Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • There’s a Lot We Can Do

    Interview of Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, Regional Director for Africa, WHO, by Melissa Fleming
    United Nations / Awake at Night – 30 July 2020 (audio)

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  • Politics of the Coronavirus Pandemic

    Global Challenges (Special issue)
    Graduate Institute – June 2020

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  • The ultimate geopolitical game — distributing a coronavirus vaccine

    POLITICO – 29 July 2020

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  • 'Cocktail receptions on Zoom are sad.' United Nations diplomacy in the age of Covid-19

    CNN – 28 July 2020

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  • Coming To Terms With COVID-19 In One Of Nigeria’s Major Cities

    "First in a series of stories about how the coronavirus lockdowns and relaxations are playing out in different parts of Africa."
    Health Policy Watch – 29 July 2020

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  • Guardians of a Continent

    With Evaline Owuor, community health worker, Kenya’s Homa Bay County
    The Global Fund – 29 July 2020

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  • Waging war in cities: A deadly choice

    ICRC – 29 July 2020 (video)

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  • COVID-19: ALIPH supports over 100 cultural heritage operators in conflict or post-conflict areas

    ALIPH - 29 July 2020

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  • Explainer: How the next WTO chief will be chosen and the task ahead

    Reuters – 29 July 2020

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  • WADA and IFPMA strengthen collaboration in the protection of clean sport

    IFPMA – 26 July 2020

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  • Contre le cancer, une start-up du CERN donne des yeux aux radiothérapeutes – 29 juillet 2020 (accès payant)

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  • UNAIDS is hopeful that a new long-acting HIV prevention option will soon become available for women in sub-Saharan Africa

    UNAIDS – 28 July 2020

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  • Covid-19 has affected mental health of 40% of teenagers

    Geneva Solutions / – 28 July 2020

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  • Italy Publishes National Regulation Requiring Pharma Disclosure Of Public Support For R&D On New Drugs

    Health Policy Watch – 28 July 2020

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  • UNHCR urges investigation following deadly incident at Libya disembarkation point

    UNHCR – 28 July 2020

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