Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Gavi receives the 2019 Lasker~Bloomberg Public Service Award

    Gavi - 10 September 2019 

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  • UNCTAD: Europe is falling behind U.S., China in digital economy race

    Interview with Isabelle Durant, Deputy Secretary-General of UNCTADCNN Money Switzerland – 10 September 2019 (video) 

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  • Saving Lives With Cleaner Cookstoves: New International Standard Just Published

    ISO - 10 September 2019 

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  • Nouveau souffle pour les associations

    Le Courrier - 10 septembre 2019 

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  • Cyber warfare: IHL provides an additional layer of protection

    ICRC - 10 September 2019 

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  • The Bridge Newsletter: Echoes from Geneva - Where Finance Meets Impact

    Sustainable Finance Geneva – September 2019 

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  • We are 'burning up our future', UN's Bachelet tells Human Rights Council

    UN News – 9 September 2019

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  • Committee on the Rights of the Child opens its eighty-second session

    UNOG - 9 September 2019

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  • Celebrating Five Years of Preventing Violent Extremism

    GCERF – 9 September 2019

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  • Malaria Eradication Feasible by 2050, Says New Lancet Report

    Health Policy Watch 9 September 2019

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  • Plunging into sustainable waters with new ISO standards for responsible diving

    ISO – 6 September 2019

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  • ITU Telecom World 2019 raises curtain on 4 days of debate, tech exhibition and networking

    ITU - 9 September 2019

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  • The Geneva Welcome Centre is on twitter

    CAGI – September 2019

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  • L'œil de la Genève internationale: 30 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the 82nd session of its Committee

    Genève internationale – 9 septembre 2019 

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  • Suicide : toutes les 40 secondes, une personne met fin à ses jours Les mesures de prévention du suicide sont en progrès dans certains pays mais il faudrait faire beaucoup plus

    ONU Info – 9 septembre 2019

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