Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • New Permanent Representative of Lesotho presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UNOG – 5 April 2018 

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  • New Permanent Observer of the League of Arab States presents letter of nomination to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva.

    UNOG – 5 April 2018 

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  • Guerres humanitaires ? Mensonges et intox – 6 avril 2018 

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  • A new era of precision for antimatter research

    "The ALPHA collaboration has reported the most precise direct measurement of antimatter ever made, revealing the spectral structure of the antihydrogen atom in unprecedented colour."CERN – 4 April 2018 

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  • Major Study Finds Taxes On Soda, Alcohol, Tobacco Help Curb NCDs; Study Restarts UN Momentum

    IP-Watch – 5 April 2018 

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  • New Permanent Representative of Jamaica presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UNOG – 4 April 2018 

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  • Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge

    "Join the Geneva Center for Security Policy and Atlantic Council's Cyber Statecraft Initiative in Geneva, Switzerland on April 5 and 6, 2018 for the annual Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge!"GCSP 

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  • The 'Endless War' of Land Mines in the Balkans

    The New York Times – 4 April 2018 

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  • A Genève, les exilés immortalisés par les photographes Magnum

    Le Temps – 4 avril 2018 

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  • Donors pledge $2 billion to scale up aid delivery in Yemen; UN chief urges unrestricted access to make sure it reaches people in need

    UN News – 3 April 2018

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  • "Décennies" et "centaines de millions" pour nettoyer la Syrie

    Swissinfo/ATS – 3 avril 2018

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  • New typhoid vaccine to receive Gavi support

    GAVI – 3 April 2018

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  • Global Fund Suspends Partnership with Heineken

    The Global Fund – 29 March 2018 

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  • Des villes s'associent pour les êtres humains et leur histoire

    Swissinfo – 3 avril 2018

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  • Internet governance in March 2018

    DiploFoundation – 3 April 2018

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