Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • 50 years on, the 1968 Conventions on Road Traffic and Road Signs and Signals are still at the core of road safety efforts worldwide

    UNECE – 8 November 2018 

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  • ILO unclear on future funding ties to tobacco sector

    Swissinfo – 8 November 2018 

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  • Cash Transfer Programming in Armed Conflict: The ICRC's Experience

    ICRC – 10 September 2018 

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  • 2000 lives and counting: Mediterranean death toll in 2018

    UNHCR – 6 November 2018 

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  • ISO standards help develop new toilet technology that will save millions of lives

    ISO – 6 November 2018 

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  • La marche mondiale vers Genève veut réformer la charte de l'ONU

    Swissinfo – 7 novembre 2018 

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  • First WHO Global Coordination Meeting On NCDs Sets Actions For Future

    Health Policy Watch – 7 November 2018 

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  • Le CERAH fête ses 20 ans

    Graduate Institute Geneva – 7 November 2018 

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  • Digital Watch newsletter – Issue 35 – October 2018

    Digital Watch – 5 November 2018 

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  • La semaine pour la paix débute à Genève

    Radio Lac – 6 novembre 2018 

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  • Un nouveau Conseil et une nouvelle direction pour la MIA !

    Maison Internationale des Associations – 6 novembre 2018 

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  • 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    "The UN Human Rights Office on Tuesday announced the start, in mid-November, of "a month of activation," involving events all across the world, leading up to the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the iconic Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on 10 December 1948."OHCHR – 6 November 2018 

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  • Challenging the Conventional: Making Post-Violence Reconciliation Succeed

    Kofi Annan Foundation - 6 November 2018 

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  • Tim Berners-Lee launches campaign to save the web from abuse

    The Guardian – 5 November 2018 

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  • In China, Bill Gates Encourages the World to Build a Better Toilet

    The New York Times – 6 November 2018 

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