Movers and Shakers

Hier finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Nachrichten aus IOs, NGOs oder Behörden über die Menschen, die die Zukunft des Internationalen Genf gestalten. Bleiben Sie dran!


  • New Permanent Representative of Iceland
    New Permanent Representative of Iceland Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva - 9 August 2022

  • New Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia
    New Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva - 18 July 2022

  • Dr Musonda Mumba
    The Convention on Wetlands appoints Dr Musonda Mumba as Secretary General

    Convention on Wetlands - 5 August 2022

  • New Permanent Representative of Zambia
    New Permanent Representative of Zambia Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva - 5 July 2022

  • New Permanent Representative of Qatar
    New Permanent Representative of Qatar Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva - 5 July 2022

  • New Permanent Representative of Sudan
    New Permanent Representative of Sudan Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva - 23 June 2022

  • Joost Mönks
    Joost Mönks, HQAI's new Executive Director

    HQAI - July 2022

  • New Permanent Representative of Uganda
    New Permanent Representative of Uganda Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva - 14 June 2022

  • Guy Ryder
    Guy Ryder to succeed Mary Robinson as Chair of the Centre for Sport and Human Rights

    Centre for Sport and Human Rights - 13 June 2022

  • Adam Day
    New UNU Centre for Policy Research's Geneva office

    UN University Centre for Policy Research - 8 June 2022

  • Francesco Rocca
    Francesco Rocca wins re-election as President of the IFRC

    International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - 19 June 2022

  • New Permanent Representative of Chile
    New Permanent Representative of Chile Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva - 7 June 2022

  • New Permanent Representative of Fiji P
    New Permanent Representative of Fiji Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva - 7 June 2022

  • Valérie Ceccherini
    Valérie Ceccherini Appointed Secretary General of Terre des Hommes International Federation

    Terre des Hommes International Federation - 7 June 2022

  • Irène Challand
    Irène Challand, nouvelle Co-Directrice générale et des programmes du FIFDH

    FIFDH - 3 juin 2022
