Movers and Shakers

Hier finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Nachrichten aus IOs, NGOs oder Behörden über die Menschen, die die Zukunft des Internationalen Genf gestalten. Bleiben Sie dran!


  • The UN is mobilising for the next quarter-century

    The Economist – 18 June 2020 (subscription required)

  • Three future scenarios for the UN

    The Economist – 20 July 2020 (subscription required)

  • What’s on this week?

    23rd International AIDS Conference and Virtual COVID-19 Conference; 78th meeting of the Standing Committee at UNHCR; Sixty-seventh Compliance Committee to the Aarhus Convention at UNECE; Protecting the environment in situations of armed conflict at the Geneva Academy; Reboot Youth Health and Wellbeing Digital Awards at WHO; Sustainable and just economies - Lessons learned from the COVID-19 Crisis and enabling factors for the SDGs at UNRISD;  and more… Check out the calendar


  • Global scientific community unites to track progress on COVID-19 R&D, identifies new research priorities and critical gaps

    WHO – 2 July 2020 

  • UN enlists 10,000 digital volunteers to fight COVID-19 misinformation

    Devex – 2 July 2020 

  • Global report: WHO official says no large hidden toll in Africa

    The Guardian – 2 July 2020 

  • Q&A: Want to know about COVID-19 in Haiti? Ask a nurse

    Interview of Claudia Thomas Riché, executive director of Nursing Education Collaborative for Haiti 
    The New Humanitarian – 29 June 2020 

  • Interview, Dr Tim Wells

    “Dr Tim Wells is the Chief Scientific Officer of the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV), a leading product development partnership in antimalarial drug research”
    EDCTP eMagazine – June 2020 


  • Global e-waste surging: up 21 per cent in 5 years

    ITU – 28 June 2020  

  • Report: ‘Navigating Geneva’s Digital Policy Landscape’ online conference – 23 June 2020

    DiPLO Foundation – July 2020 

  • Deadline Extended for the Group on Earth Observations Sustainable Development Goals (GEO SDG) Awards 2020

    Group on Earth Observations – 1 July 2020 

  • Mark Henley, the Surveyor of International Geneva

    The Geneva Observer – 2 July 2020 

  • Green Summer: Things to do in the city / Geneva Solutions – 2 July 2020 

  • Soutien à la reconstruction du bâtiment de siège de l'Union internationale des télécommunications

    Conseil d’Etat / République et canton de Genève – 1 juillet 2020 

  • The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Statement on building an environment free from racism and discrimination

    Joint statement by Jagan Chapagain, Secretary General, IFRC, and Robert Mardini, Director-General, ICRC
    ICRC – 1 July 2020
