Movers and Shakers

Hier finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Nachrichten aus IOs, NGOs oder Behörden über die Menschen, die die Zukunft des Internationalen Genf gestalten. Bleiben Sie dran!


  • WIPO Launches Online Dashboard to Monitor Operations

    WIPO – 15 April 2020 

  • Watch: A conversation with IOM HR chief Michael Emery

    Devex (video) – 16 April 2020 

  • Manica Balasegaram: «Les bactéries multi-résistantes sont tout aussi menaçantes»

    Le Temps – 16 avril 2020 

  • OECD and donor countries working to focus development efforts on Covid-19 crisis, building on a rise in official aid in 2019

    OECD – 16 April 2020 

  • Quand les personnages du « Bureau des légendes » violent les droits humanitaires…

    L’Obs / Croix-Rouge française – 6 avril 2020 

  • Federal Council to gradually ease measures against the new coronavirus

    Confédération Suisse – 16 avril 2020 

  • What the W.H.O. Does, and How U.S. Funding Cuts Could Affect It

    New York Times – 15 April 2020 

  • WHO reviewing impact of US funding withdrawal amid COVID-19 pandemic

    UN News – 15 April 2020 

  • Antoine Flahault: «Les États n’ont pas donné les moyens nécessaires à l’OMS pour affronter la pandémie»

    Swissinfo – 9 avril 2020 

  • IOM Launches USD 499 Million Expanded COVID-19 Response Plan to Help Address Critical Socio-Economic Impacts of Pandemic

    IOM – 15 April 2020 

  • UNECE launches platform to help National Statistical Offices navigate ‎challenges for official statistics during COVID-19 crisis‎

    UNECE – 15 April 2020 

  • Call for participation for the 2020 Humanitarian Visa d'Or Award

    “The theme of this year's photo contest is urban war and the consequences for people forced to hide or flee.”
    ICRC – 15 April 2020 

  • Trump suspend la contribution américaine à l'OMS

    Swissinfo / ATS – 15 avril 2020

  • Now is ‘not the time’ to reduce funding for the World Health Organization in COVID-19 fight, urges Guterres

    UN News – 14 April 2020

  • First UN solidarity flight departs Addis Ababa carrying vital COVID-19 medical supplies to all African nations

    Joint AU-WFP-WHO News Release

    WHO – 14 April 2020
