Movers and Shakers
Hier finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Nachrichten aus IOs, NGOs oder Behörden über die Menschen, die die Zukunft des Internationalen Genf gestalten. Bleiben Sie dran!
- Journée Mondiale de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge
Croix-Rouge genevoise – 8 mai 2019
- Le chef de l'Onusida, Michel Sidibé, nommé ministre de la Santé du Mali
VOA/AFP – 6 mai 2019
- WHO overhauls Ebola vaccination strategy as Congo cases surge
The New Humanitarian – 7 may 2019
- The new Permanent Representative of Armenia presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
ONUG – 7 May 2019
- United Nations helping nations keep pace with technology and innovation, use it for development
UNCTAD – 7 May 2019
- Why eco-friendly Switzerland needs to clean up its plastic trash
Interview with Bruno Pozzi, director at the UN Environment's Europe OfficeCNN Money Switzerland – 7 May 2019
- Nature's Dangerous Decline 'Unprecedented'; Species Extinction Rates 'Accelerating'
IPBES – 6 May 2019
- Une des conséquences du Traité de Versailles : les Croix-Rouge se liguent en 1919
CICR blog / Le Monde - 6 mai 2019
- I Will Not Stay Silent. Our Leaders Are Failing Human Rights.
By Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights from 2014 to 2018The New York Times – 6 May 2019 (video)
- Our New Publication Addresses the Devastating Impact of Conflict on Persons with Disabilities
Geneva Academy - 7 May 2019
- L'œil de la Genève internationale: the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) celebrates its 100th anniversary
Genève internationale - 6 mai 2019
- Congo Ebola deaths surpass 1,000 as attacks on treatment centers go on
Reuters – 3 May 2019
- UNAIDS welcomes additional evidence that effective antiretroviral therapy stops transmission of HIV
UNAIDS – 3 May 2019
- World Health Assembly Agenda, Technical Briefings, Side Events – Online Links To The Big Moments Ahead
Health Policy Watch – 3 May 2019
- Global Fund Selects Donald Kaberuka as Board Chair and Roslyn Morauta as Vice Chair
The Global Fund – 3 May 2019