Movers and Shakers
Hier finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Nachrichten aus IOs, NGOs oder Behörden über die Menschen, die die Zukunft des Internationalen Genf gestalten. Bleiben Sie dran!
- What's happening in international Geneva this week?
The Geneva Gender Debate 2019 by the Graduate Institute and the International Gender Champions, A Quantum Leap for Gender Equality at ILO, 74th meeting of the Standing Committee at UNHCR, 24th International Humanitarian & Security Conference at Webster University, Ciné-ONU: Roma, 17th International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH), and moreGenève internationale – 4 March 2019
- Key donors freeze Uganda refugee aid after UN mismanagement scandal
IRIN – 28 February 2019
- Conseil de sécurité : le nouvel Envoyé spécial pour la Syrie fixe cinq priorités pour trouver une issue au conflit
ONU Info – 28 février 2019
- UNAIDS urges action to change discriminatory laws in order to restore dignity and respect and save lives
UNAIDS -1 March 2019
- The U.N. Hates Hate Speech More Than It Loves Free Speech
Foreign Policy - 28 February 2019
- Fondations nationales et internationales : quels soutiens pour quels secteurs ?
Avec MM. Guillaume Grosso, Henry Peter, Ivan Pictet, Derek Queisser de Stockalper et Mme Luisa BallinClub suisse de la presse – 27 février 2019 (vidéo)
- Médecins Sans Frontières On Drug Prices – You Can't Negotiate Blindfolded
By Ekkehard Ernst, Future of Work and Artificial Intelligence Expert, ILOHealth Policy Watch – 27 February 2019
- Press Freedom and Journalists Under Attack
"To celebrate its 70th anniversary, the Geneva Association of United Nations Correspondents (ACANU) organised a public lecture, panel discussion and award presentation in partnership with the Graduate Institute and the Club Diplomatique de Genève on "Press Freedom and Journalists Under Attack" on 25 February 2019. The lecture, delivered by António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, addressed issues on the physical attacks and growing number of assaults on the credibility of journalists and media organisations, which are taking a heavy toll on media freedom. It also sought to answer what is spurring the growing hostility and violence and what can be done to protect professional journalists."Graduate Institute Geneva – 27 February 2019
- Artificial intelligence: opportunity or job-killer?
By Ekkehard Ernst, Future of Work and Artificial Intelligence Expert, ILOILO – 27 February 2019
- Marking Sir Brian Urquhart's 100th birthday, UN honours life-long servant of 'we the peoples'
UN News – 28 February 2019
- With 10 million Yemenis 'one step away from famine', donors pledge $2.6 billion
UN News – 26 February 2019
- La riposte à Ebola en République démocratique du Congo risque de faiblir (OMS)
ONU Info – 26 février 2019
- Reforming the WTO: the Swiss view
By Didier Chambovey, Swiss ambassador to the WTOSwissinfo – 26 February 2019
- Global Accelerator Network On Antibacterial Research Expands
Health Policy Watch – 26 February 2019
- L'œil de la Genève internationale! Aujourd'hui, l'exposition de l'ACANU
Genève internationale – 26 février 2019
- Remarks by the Secretary-General on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Geneva Association of United Nations correpondents
UNOG – 25 February 2019