Movers and Shakers
Hier finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Nachrichten aus IOs, NGOs oder Behörden über die Menschen, die die Zukunft des Internationalen Genf gestalten. Bleiben Sie dran!
- Corinne Momal-Vanian nommée à la tête de la Fondation Kofi Annan
Le Temps – 27 mars 2020
- Peter Maurer : «L’impact que le Covid-19 pourrait avoir sur les victimes de la guerre est terrifiant»
Par Peter Maurer, Président, Comité international de la Croix-Rouge
Le Temps – 28 mars 2020 - Re-thinking Global Health Security
By Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund
The Global Fund – 27 March 2020 - COVID-19 has exposed the fragility of our economies
By Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labour Organization
ILO – 27 March 2020 - Back poor countries fighting Covid-19 with trillions or face disaster, G20 told
The Guardian – 27 March 2020
- Global cooperation needed to prevent Covid-19 drugs ‘free for all’
Interview of Dr Suerie Moon, Co-director of the Global Health Centre at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Swissinfo – 28 March 2020
- In response to COVID-19, countries coordinate efforts to guarantee the delivery of medical supplies, including oxygen
UNECE – 27 March 2020
- Coronavirus measures could cause global food shortage, UN warns
The Guardian – 26 March 2020
- International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement appeals for 800 million Swiss francs to assist world’s most vulnerable people in fight against COVID-19
IFRC – 26 March 2020
- Unprepared for the Worst: World’s Most Vulnerable Brace for Virus
The New York Times – 26 March 2020
- L'ONU salue la proclamation de cessez-le-feu dans plusieurs pays en conflits
Le Temps / AFP – 27 mars 2020
- «La suspension des travaux de rénovation du Palais des Nations aura un coût»
La Tribune de Genève – 26 mars 2020 (accès payant)
- Urgent action needed to prevent COVID-19 “rampaging through places of detention”
OHCHR – 25 March 2020
- Coronavirus could cut global investment by 40%, new estimates show
UNCTAD – 26 March 2020
- UNECE launches Observatory on Border Crossings Status due to COVID-19 and calls on all countries to facilitate flow of goods to maximum extent possible
UNECE – 24 March 2020
- Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus
The Guardian – 26 March 2020
- Un hackathon géant pour préparer l’après coronavirus en Suisse – 26 mars 2020