Movers and Shakers

Hier finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Nachrichten aus IOs, NGOs oder Behörden über die Menschen, die die Zukunft des Internationalen Genf gestalten. Bleiben Sie dran!


  • UN's Guterres underscores importance of revitalizing multilateral trade cooperation

    WTO – 10 May 2019

  • Florence Nightingale Medal: Honoring exceptional nurses and nursing aides - 2019 recipients

    ICRC – 12 May 2019

  • Rapport d'activités de la solidarité internationale pour l'année 2018

    Etat de Genève – 8 mai 2019

  • Fair Pricing – Striking The Balance

    Health Policy Watch – 10 May 2019

  • Genetically Tweaked Viruses Just Saved a Very Sick Teen

    WIRED – 8 May 2019 

  • The Declaration of Philadelphia – 75 years

    ILO – 10 May 2019

  • What's happening in international Geneva this week?

    Sixth Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction at UNDRR; 41st Board Meeting at the Global Fund; Commission on Science and Technology for Development at UNCTAD; Committee on the Rights of Child / 81st session; Panel discussion with the candidates for IOM Deputy Director General at the Graduate Institute; la Nuit des musées au MICRGenève internationale – 13 May 2019

  • More people displaced inside their own countries than ever before

    IDMC – 10 May 2019

  • L'ONU nomme 17 personnalités pour défendre le développement durable

    ONU Info – 9 mai 2019

  • WHA 2019 Top Issues: Budget, UHC, Access To Medicines, Emergencies, Environment

    Health Policy Watch – 9 May 2019

  • How a Wikipedia for drug discovery is disrupting big pharma

    The Telegraph – 8 May 2019

  • The high-tech world of toilets

    ISO – 8 May 2019

  • Rewriting genes could have broad knock-on effects on nature – IUCN report

    IUCN – 9 May 2019

  • Multi-Hazard Early Warning Conference confronts cascading impacts of extreme weather and other natural hazards and of climate change

    WMO - 9 May 2019

  • DG Azevêdo meets with participants of Geneva Week for non-resident members and observers

    WTO – 8 May 2019
