Movers and Shakers
Hier finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Nachrichten aus IOs, NGOs oder Behörden über die Menschen, die die Zukunft des Internationalen Genf gestalten. Bleiben Sie dran!
- L'OMS, 70 ans pour s'affirmer sur la scène mondiale
Le Temps – 21 mai 2018 (enregistrement)
- Dubochet et de nombreux marcheurs à Genève pour la santé pour tous
Swissinfo/ATS - 20 mai 2018
- Gebrselassie helps inaugurate WHO's 'Walk the Talk Health for All Challenge' in Geneva
International Association of Athletics Federations – 20 May 2018
- Human Rights Council concludes special session on the deteriorating human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory
UNOG – 18 May 2018
- Four ways to scale up solutions in artificial intelligence for health
ITU News – 21 May 2018
- 8 Things to Watch at This Year's World Health Assembly—#WHA71
Global Health Now – 14 May 2018
- Congo enters uncharted territory as it faces gravest Ebola challenge to date
The Guardian – 18 May 2018
- Tracing the effects of IO financing reforms
"Last April Cecilia Cannon was among the many Graduate Institute professors and researchers who went to San Francisco to contribute to the 2018 Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA), which was centred around "Power of Rules and Rule of Power". A researcher at the Global Governance Centre, Dr Cannon presented a paper on the effects of financing reforms for international organisations (IOs)."The Graduate Institute – 17 May 2018
- Santé : les défis et actions pour promouvoir l'activité physique
Débat Genève internationaleClub suisse de la presse – 16 mai 2018 (vidéo)
- Human Rights Council to hold a special session on the deteriorating human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory on 18 May
UNOG – 16 May 2018
- Why is the pope visiting the Geneva-based World Council of Churches?
Swissinfo – 15 May 2018
- Visite du Pape à Genève le 21 juin, l'accès à Genève Aéroport subira d'importantes perturbations
Genève Aéroport – 15 mai 2018
- Les perspectives d'application à court terme de l'intelligence artificielle au service du bien social seront au centre du Sommet mondial
UIT – 15 mai 2018