Movers and Shakers
Hier finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Nachrichten aus IOs, NGOs oder Behörden über die Menschen, die die Zukunft des Internationalen Genf gestalten. Bleiben Sie dran!
- Mapped: The rapid spread of the new coronavirus in China and beyond
The New Humanitarian – 10 February 2020
- WHO and FIND formalize strategic collaboration to drive universal access to essential diagnostics
WHO – 10 February 2020
- United States endorses Gavi with recommendation of US$ 1.16 billion, four-year commitment
Gavi – 10 February 2020
- New Permanent Representative of Viet Nam presents predentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
UNOG – 10 February 2020
- Rénovation du domaine Barton, patrimoine historique genevois
The Graduate Institute – 11 février 2020
- Special Envoy Jean Todt and UNECE issue urgent call for new road safety paradigm for 2030
UNECE – 7 February 2020
- L'oeil de la Genève internationale
From 15 to 21 February, the Geneva International Model United Nations (GIMUN) will hold its Annual Conference under the theme « 100 years of Multilateralism. The Past, Present, and Future.»
- Reversing commitment to anti-personnel mine ban endangers civilian lives
ICRC – 6 February 2020
- UNSMIL Statement on the first round of Talks of Libyan 5+5 Joint Military Commission in Geneva
UNSMIL – 8 February 2020
- WHO Protests Price Shocks & Hoarding Of Vital Protective Gear Needed To Fight Coronavirus; WHO Executive Board Calls For More Preparedness
Health Policy Watch – 7 February 2020
- Suerie Moon: «Le monde n'est pas prêt à affronter une pandémie»
Le Temps – 7 février 2020 (accès payant)
- Commitee on the Rights of the Child concludes eighty-third session
UNOG – 7 February 2020
- «Genève a la possibilité d'être une place centrale pour la gouvernance du net» – 7 février 2020 (accès payant)
- What’s on this week?
Informal consultations on explosive weapons in populated areas EWIPA, 98th IUCN Council, Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius, Digital Radio Summit @EBU, Cine-Environment House, and more…Check out the calendar.
- Libye : l’ONU note des progrès à Genève mais met en garde contre tout acte provocateur
ONU Info – 6 février 2020
- L'impact économique du coronavirus
Par Charles Wyplosz
The Graduate Institute Geneva – 6 February 2020