Movers and Shakers

Hier finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Nachrichten aus IOs, NGOs oder Behörden über die Menschen, die die Zukunft des Internationalen Genf gestalten. Bleiben Sie dran!


  • Jai Jagat 2020 : dernière étape suisse avant le grand départ

    Mediapart/blog – 15 juillet 2019

  • UN's core values guide Volker Türk's career at UNHCR

    UNHCR – 15 July 2019

  • The Bridge

    "Reflet des synergies uniques développées à Genève, entre sa rive gauche (siège de la finance) et sa rive droite (la Genève internationale), The Bridge donnera de l'écho aux acteurs, idées et réalisations qui contribuent à faire de la finance durable la nouvelle norme."Sustainable Finance Geneva – 11 juillet 2019

  • L'œil de la Genève internationale : "Yoga under the Broken Chair with Handicap International Switzerland"

    Genève internationale – 15 July 2019

  • Le gratin du vin mondial se réunit ce mois à Genève

    Tribune de Genève – 12 juillet 2019 (accès payant)

  • High-level event on response and preparedness for the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Reliefweb – 15 July 2019

  • New & updated food code standards adopted for pesticide residues, food additives & vegetable oils

    Health Policy Watch – 12 July 2019

  • Document of the Week: Is the U.N. Revisiting the Ban on Big Tobacco?

    Foreign Policy – 12 July 2019

  • Is the amount of chemicals in your toothpaste decided in Geneva?

    Swissinfo – 12 July 2019

  • Mental health - the lasting scars of crisis

    The New Humanitarian – 12 July 2019

  • How to build a Better Body Bag

    ICRC – 12 July 2019

  • The UN Headquarters' incredibly shrinking dining choices

    PassBlue – 11 July 2019

  • What's on this week?

    CEDAW, Human Rights Committee and Seventy-first session of the International Law Commission continue, 11th Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition and Nelson Mandela Human Rights Lecture, HI Yoga Nations, 42nd World Congress of Vine and Wine; and more.Check out our calendar!Genève internationale – 15 July 2019

  • Quand Genève apparut sur la carte

    La Liberté / Swissinfo – 12 juillet 2019 

  • The ILO at 100: Showing its wrinkles or its cracks?

    Global Governance Centre / Graduate Institute – 10 July 2019 
