World Trade Organization - WTO

Die Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) bietet ein Forum für die Aushandlung von Abkommen zum Abbau von Hindernissen im internationalen Handel und gewährleistet gleiche Ausgangsbedingungen für alle Mitgliedsstaaten. Damit leistet die WTO einen Beitrag an Wirtschaftswachstum und Entwicklung. Zudem stellt die WTO einen rechtlichen und institutionellen Rahmen für die Umsetzung und Überwachung dieser Abkommen sowie für die Schlichtung von Streitfällen, die sich aus der Auslegung und Anwendung der Abkommen ergeben, zur Verfügung.
Increase in the value of world merchandise trade since the creation of the WTO in 1995 (through 2019)
$118 billion
Potential additional world economic growth resulting from the WTO's 2013 Trade Facilitation Agreement, with developing countries gaining the most
$40 billion
Average annual Aid for Trade commitments from donor countries to support trade-related development programmes
Percentage of global trade covered by the WTO's rules-based system, contributing to stability and predictability in world commerce
Source: WTO
The WTO’s trade-related technical assistance (TRTA) activities aim to help developing countries build their trade capacity so that they can participate more effectively in global trade.
The Technical Assistance Plan aims to help:
- government officials implement WTO agreements and make full use of members' rights
- governments negotiating WTO membership participate in accession negotiations
- members access the most relevant trade information so that they can better enforce their rights and obligations
- members of parliament, journalists and civil society learn more about WTO activities
- students and academic institutions supported by the WTO gain a better understanding of trade policy and WTO subjects.
The aim is to strengthen trade capacity in the following areas:
- trade policy formulation and implementation
- compliance with WTO obligations
- the exercising of WTO rights
- WTO-related trade negotiations.