Your results containing the words: HQ's in geneva
Content type: Photo of the week
Under the theme “Towards a sustainable and inclusive recovery: ambition to action,” the WTO Public Forum will take place from 27 to 30 September. The opening session will be a discussion between Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and CNN news anchor Richard Quest. You may access the 144 sessions program and watch live. The image above was taken at WTO headquarters by photographer Luca Fascini in the framework of the book Internation Geneva, 100 years of Architecture by Joëlle Kuntz, Slatikine publishing.
Content type: Photo of the week
For the first time, 30 March will mark the International Day of Zero waste. In this context, the Geneva Environment Network organizes the discussion "Beating Waste Pollution | Geneva Zero Waste Day Celebration." This multi-stakeholder event will highlight the steps taken by International Geneva actors and beyond to achieve the zero waste agenda. While the tide is out, those brave volunteers struggle in the mud to collect rubbish and loads of plastic bags. Ian Berry took this image on the Isle of Dogs during the London Rivers week for clean rivers organized by Thames21 in England in 2008.
Content type: Organization
World Tourism Organization - UNWTO
Internationale Organisationen, Programme, Fonds, Institute und andere
Content type: Page
The largest exhibition on professions and training in Switzerland, the "Cité des Métiers" exhibition 2018 begins this Tuesday, November 20 at Palexpo.
Content type: Organization
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies - CIHRS
Content type: Page
© UN Photo Violaine Martin
Tagtäglich werden in Genf wichtige Entscheidungen getroffen, die dazu beitragen, die Lebensbedingungen von Menschen zu verbessern und Menschenleben zu retten.
Informationen über die internationale Zusammenarbeit in Genf gibt es in Hülle und Fülle: von der Koordination von Hilfsaktionen für die Opfer von Flutkatastrophen über das Bereitstellen lebenswichtiger Medikamente für notleidende Menschen bis zum Schutz bedrohter Tierarten.
Content type: Page
© Luca Fascini
Monarchen, Präsidenten, Minister, Diplomaten und Delegierte kommen nach Genf, um ihre Positionen zu verteidigen, den Lauf der Geschichte zu verändern oder eine bessere Zukunft aufzubauen. Entdecken Sie einige der Persönlichkeiten, die Genf seit 1926 ins Rampenlicht gerückt haben.