Your results containing the words: HQ's in geneva
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© Luca Fascini
Monarchen, Präsidenten, Minister, Diplomaten und Delegierte kommen nach Genf, um ihre Positionen zu verteidigen, den Lauf der Geschichte zu verändern oder eine bessere Zukunft aufzubauen. Entdecken Sie einige der Persönlichkeiten, die Genf seit 1926 ins Rampenlicht gerückt haben.
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Als kosmopolitische Stadt bietet Genf der internationalen Gemeinschaft eine Vielzahl von Dienstleistungen: ein grosses Angebot an internationalen Schulen, erstklassige akademische Institutionen, verschiedene kulturelle und sportliche Aktivitäten, ein erstrangiges Gesundheitswesen und ein zuverlässig funktionierendes öffentliches Verkehrsnetz.
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Jedes Jahr widmen die Republik und der Kanton Genf einer in Genf ansässigen internationalen Organisation den jeweiligen Jahrgangswein, die «Vigne des Nations».Erstmals wurde diese Auszeichnung 1995 anlässlich des 50. Jahrestages der Vereinten Nationen verliehen. Genf drückt damit seine Anerkennung für die Arbeit der internationalen Organisationen aus.
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Geneva, 21 March 2019
IRIN, a nonprofit newsroom reporting from the heart of conflicts, disasters, and other humanitarian crises, launched a new brand identity today: The New Humanitarian
First founded as an information department of the UN in 1995, IRIN became a fully independent media organization in 2015. It is one of only a handful of newsrooms in the world specializing in the coverage of crises and disasters, as well as reporting on the aid industry.
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April 2014
Content type: Organization
Irland – Ständige Mission (UNO)
SM Irland
Ständige Missionen und Delegationen
Content type: Photo of the week
On 24 January 2022, starting at 3 pm, the Geneva Cities Hub, with UN-Habitat, Norway and the GEN, convenes you to "The Plastics wrap-trap: what about cities in inter-states negotiations?" All stakeholders are welcome to share their views to better involve Local and Regional Governments (LRGs) in plastic pollution reduction negotiations.
This picture of a newspaper wrapped up in a plastic bag was taken in front of the Presidential Museum and Leadership Library, Odessa, the USA, by Lorenzo Meloni, in 2020.
Content type: Organization
NORRAG - Global Education Centre
Akademische und Ausbildungsinstitutionen
Content type: Organization
Tschechische Republik – Ständige Mission (UNO)
SM Tschechische Republik
Ständige Missionen und Delegationen
Content type: Photo of the week
Content type: Photo of the week
Can the financial sector help solve some of the major challenges world agriculture is facing ? This question, among others, will be debated during the Building Bridges Week that will take place in Geneva between 7 and 11 October 2019. Building Bridges Week's objective is to foster new conversations and collaborations that will accelerate the finance industry’s contribution to the achievement of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This Peruvian traditional sheep farming was pictured in September 2017, by Magnum Photos member Moises Saman.
Content type: Photo of the week
Content type: News
"To celebrate its 70th anniversary, the Geneva Association of United Nations Correspondents (ACANU) organised a public lecture, panel discussion and award presentation in partnership with the Graduate Institute and the Club Diplomatique de Genève on "Press Freedom and Journalists Under Attack" on 25 February 2019. The lecture, delivered by António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, addressed issues on the physical attacks and growing number of assaults on the credibility of journalists and media organisations, which are taking a heavy toll on media freedom.
Content type: Organization
Association World Vision International
Content type: Photo of the week
The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) holds the World Cancer Congress in Geneva from 18 to 20 October. Through a multidisciplinary program that presents the latest successful interventions in cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care, experts and leaders will deliver a suite of innovative and interactive sessions covering the full spectrum of cancer control. Nancy Borowick spent years photographing her parents undergoing parallel treatments for stage four cancer. This multi-rewarded intimate family story is part of the book entitled "The Family Imprint: A Daughter's Portrait of Love and Loss," Hatje Kantz publishing, and will be shown at the Xposure festival in February 2023.
Content type: Organization
Fund for the Afghan People (the Afghan Fund)
Internationale Organisationen, Programme, Fonds, Institute und andere