Your results containing the words: HQ's in geneva
Content type: Organization
Republik und Staat Genf - Protokolldienst
Behörden des Gastgebers
Content type: Organization
United Nations Industrial Development Organization – UNIDO Geneva Office
Internationale Organisationen, Programme, Fonds, Institute und andere
Content type: Organization
International Peace Bureau Geneva Office - IPB
Content type: Organization
Centre pour le Contrôle Démocratique des Forces Armées - DCAF
Content type: Organization
Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) – Genfer Büro
Content type: Organization
Education Cannot Wait - ECW Geneva Office
Internationale Organisationen, Programme, Fonds, Institute und andere
Content type: Organization
Die Ernährungs- und Landwirtschaftsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen - FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in Geneva
Internationale Organisationen, Programme, Fonds, Institute und andere
Content type: Page
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the League of Nations, the federal, cantonal and municipal authorities have decided to renew their commitment to international Geneva. On 16 September 2019, they signed a joint declaration to this effect. The event was followed by a public event at the University of Geneva.
Download the Declaration
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© Luca Fascini
Alle Aktivitäten des internationalen Genfs auf einen Blick. Um über anstehende internationale Geneva-Veranstaltungen informiert zu bleiben, abonnieren Sie unseren wöchentlichen Newsletter.
Content type: Organization
Universität Genf - UNIGE
Akademische und Ausbildungsinstitutionen
Content type: Page
Seth Berkley is the CEO of the Geneva-based GAVI Alliance, committed to saving children's lives and protecting people's health by increasing access to immunisation in the world's poorest countries. In this interview, he tells us about his work over the summer months, his holiday plans as well as his favourite books, music and places to visit in the Geneva area this summer.
July 2014
Content type: Page
October 2015
For the last 30 years, the Right Livelihood Award has been given to people who have demonstrated « outstanding vision and work on behalf of our planet and its people ».
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Content type: Page
August 2012
What is going on this summer at the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue?
Our mediation and dialogue work continues around the calendar. We have key processes on the Middle East, Sudan and elsewhere rolling through the summer. However, thanks to the beautiful Villa Plantamour, which houses the HD Centre and is located by the Lac Léman in the Park Mon Repos, we will still very much enjoy the summer!
Content type: Page
March 2015
In this interview, Guy Ryder, ILO's Director-General tells us about the ILO, its work and impact, and the challenges it will have to address in the coming years and decades.
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How would you present your organization in a few words? What entails your position?
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July 2012
What's going on at CERAH this summer?
As we undertook quite an ambitious reform of the whole training offer at CERAH, we will dedicate the summer months mainly to finalise the teaching programme of the Diploma in Humanitarian Action starting in September. We will also continue to prepare the six Certificates in Humanitarian Action we are going to propose in the spring semester 2013.
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© Luca Fascini
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Darüber hinaus finden Sie Stellenangebote auf folgenden Plattformen:
Content type: Organization
Geneva Environment Network - GEN
Content type: News
Perception Change Project, UN Geneva – 11 March 2019