Your results containing the words: france
Content type: Organization
International Development Law Organization – IDLO
Ständige Missionen und Delegationen
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L'architecture de la Maison de la Paix est remarquable autant par son esthétique organique et les aménagements de ses espaces intérieurs que par son recours à des technologies innovantes. Tour d'horizon esthétique et technologique de ce nouvel ensemble architectural dédié à la Genève internationale.
Mars 2014
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Cédric Dupont teaches international relations at the Graduate Institute Geneva, where he is also in charge of executive education programmes. Here, he tells us about his work over the summer months, his holiday plans as well as his favourite books, music and places to visit in the Geneva area this summer.
August 2014
Content type: Page
August 2012
What is going on this summer at the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue?
Our mediation and dialogue work continues around the calendar. We have key processes on the Middle East, Sudan and elsewhere rolling through the summer. However, thanks to the beautiful Villa Plantamour, which houses the HD Centre and is located by the Lac Léman in the Park Mon Repos, we will still very much enjoy the summer!
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Launch of the Swiss initiative 2050Today for a reduction of CO2 emissions in International Geneva
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs press release - 27 October 2020
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How would you present your organization in a few words? What entails your position?
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On 29 November 2015 at the Victoria Hall, Antoine Marguier will conduct the United Nations Orchestra and the invited cellist Camille Thomas. The concert will focus on Romantic music and composers Piotr Illitch Tchaïkovsky and Robert Schumann. Interview with this conductor who is also co-founder and art director at the United Nations Orchestra.
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© Luca Fascini
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L'ambassadeur suisse Christian Dussey dirige le GCSP depuis août 2013, un centre qui conjugue formation, recherche et dialogue sur les questions de paix et de sécurité. Dans cet entretien, il nous parle des principes qui guident son action, de son parcours, de ses priorités pour le GCSP, ainsi que des grands moments du Centre en 2014.
Mars 2014