Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Palestine Wants to Join Three International Organizations, Including the Global Chemical Weapons Watchdog. This Could Be A Problem

    UN Dispatch – 23 may 2018 

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  • 487 casualties of anti-vehicle mines incidents reported in 2017 | New report by GICHD and SIPRI

    GICHD – 23 May 2018 

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  • «Le Pacte mondial sur les migrations est en péril»

    Entretien avec Vincent ChetailTDG – 24 mai 2018 

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  • Quand la masculinité toxique menace le monde, c'est aux femmes d'y mettre un terme

    Le Temps – 22 mai 2018 (enregistrement) 

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  • Global Antimicrobial Resistance R&D Hub Launched At Health Assembly

    IP-Watch – 22 May 2018 

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  • For First Time, W.H.O. Names Some Lab Tests 'Essential'

    The New York Times – 21 May 2018 

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  • New Permanent Representative of the Republic of Argentina presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UNOG – 22 May 2018 

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  • New Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UNOG – 22 May 2018 

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  • New Permanent Representative of Serbia presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UNOG – 22 May 2018 

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  • Aid agencies sign onto global plan to supply clean energy to refugees

    The Christian Science Monitor– 18 May 2018 

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  • We Need a Global Fund to Ensure a Clean Energy Revolution

    World Economic Forum – 22 May 2018 

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  • United Nations to ask young people for their views

    BBC News – 23 May 2018 

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  • Swedish PM ahead of the ILO Conference: It's not arm wrestling

    Inter Press Service – 22 May 2018 

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  • Le Conseil d'Etat élu attribue les départements et la présidence

    République et canton de Genève – 22 mai 2018 

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  • Seventy-first World Health Assembly

    Key documents and live webcastWHO – 21-26 May 2018 

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  • WHO Director Dr Tedros Opens First Annual World Health Assembly With 'Keys For Success'

    IP-Watch - 21 May 2018 

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  • L'OMS, 70 ans pour s'affirmer sur la scène mondiale

    Le Temps – 21 mai 2018 (enregistrement) 

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  • Dubochet et de nombreux marcheurs à Genève pour la santé pour tous

    Swissinfo/ATS - 20 mai 2018 

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  • Gebrselassie helps inaugurate WHO's 'Walk the Talk Health for All Challenge' in Geneva

    International Association of Athletics Federations – 20 May 2018 

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  • Human Rights Council concludes special session on the deteriorating human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory

    UNOG – 18 May 2018 

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  • Preview of the 107th session of the International Labour Conference

    ILO – 18 May 2018 

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