Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Comment l'ONU veut rendre comptable les multinationales

    Swissinfo - 31 janvier 2018 

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  • Snakebite Gets Attention Of WHO Executive Board, Draft Resolution Approved

    IP-Watch – 30 January 2018 

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  • Amid funding crunch, UN agency seeks $800 million in lifesaving aid for Palestine refugees

    UN News Centre – 30 January 2018 

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  • L’enquiquineur courtois qui fait bouger Genève

    Tribune de Genève – 30 janvier 2018 

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  • 2018 - A New Year Resolution for the United Nations

    UNOG/Director-General's Blog – 30 January 2018 

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  • Gustave Ador, the ICRC, and leadership on refugee and migration policy

    ICRC – 30 January 2018 (blog) 

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  • L'aventure architecturale genevoise

    RTS/Info Culture – 30 Janvier 2018 

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  • ICRC Legal Adviser Netta Goussac talks about new technologies and IHL

    "ICRC legal adviser Netta Goussac talks about new technologies and IHL, including the applicability of IHL to drone strikes, the importance of human control over and the accountability gap with autonomous weapon systems." ICRC – 26 January 2018 (video) 

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  • 13 things to know about WHO's Geneva deliberations

    Devex – 29 January 2018 

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  • WHO Antibiotic Resistance Data Shows Worrying Trend; Industry Ready To Help

    WHO – 29 January 2018 

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  • United Nations’ Michael Møller: Geneva plays key role in reform push

    CNN Money Switzerland – 29 January 2018 (video 1/2) 

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  • Forum Closes with Call to Action: Globalize Compassion and Leave No One Behind

    WEF – 26 January 2018 

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  • Forum Closes with Call to Action: Globalize Compassion and Leave No One Behind

    WEF – 26 January 2018 

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  • Crises on the horizon in 2018: the view from Davos

    IRIN – 26 January 2018 

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  • Lombard Odier and the Global Fund Join Forces to Expand Private Investment In Global Health

    The Global Fund – 26 January 2018 

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