Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Genève mise sur la diplomatie scientifique

    Bilan – 16 mai 2019

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  • Expect the unexpected and prepare for it

    UNDRR – 16 May 2019

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  • Mitigating Displacement Due to Climate Change, Disasters a Risk Reduction Priority, IOM says

    IOM – 16 May 2019

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  • New Permanent Representative of China presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UNOG – 16 May 2019

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  • IUCN and Lacoste team up again to inspire support for threatened species

    IUCN – 16 May 2019

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  • DigitalWatch Newsletter - 5G geopolitics: A game of e-thrones

    DigitalWatch – April 2019

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  • Time is running out for a world at risk

    "The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction opened in Geneva today with the focus on raising levels of ambition when it comes to reducing disaster risk in a world where vulnerability and exposure is dramatically on the rise."UNDRR - 15 May 2019 

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  • Too many babies are born too small

    WHO – 16 May 2019 

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  • Public health licensing to increase access and facilitate innovation: the MPP model

    Medicines Patent Pool – 10 May 2019 (video) 

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  • Countries Dependent on Commodities Hit 20-Year High, Says UN

    UNCTAD – 15 May 2019 

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  • Standards brighten up the International Day of Light

    ISO – 15 May 2019 

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  • Venice Biennale: Is exhibiting tragic migrant ship distasteful?

    BBC News – 15 May 2019 

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  • Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge

    "On the eve of the 72nd World Health Assembly, WHO's «Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge 2019» event will take place Sunday 19 May"Genève internationale – 13 May 2019

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  • La joie d'Ahmad est aussi un bel hommage à Alberto Cairo et ses équipes...

    CICR Blog/Le Monde – 13 mai 2019

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  • UNECE and over 50 standards bodies sign Declaration on Gender Responsive Standards

    UNECE – 14 May 2019

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