Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • CARE Report Ranks Top 10 Under-Reported Humanitarian Crises of 2017

    CARE – 22 January 2018 

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  • 30 leading companies with a combined revenue of USD $1.3 trillion join forces to implement the circular economy

    WBCSD – 23 January 2018 

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  • The ICRC at Davos: Tech partnerships, augmented reality and the cruelty of war

    ICRC – 22 January 2018 

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  • Trilateral symposium to examine how innovative technologies can promote health-related SDGs

    "The WTO, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) will convene a symposium on 26 February 2018 to discuss challenges and opportunities to ensure that innovative technologies are developed in order to realize the right to health and the health-related UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)."WTO – 22 January 2018

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  • WHO Takes up Antivenom Access

    Global Health Now – 22 January 2018

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  • La santé : bien public ou affaire privée ?

    Débat public Genève internationale avec Pascal Strupler (Directeur de l'Office fédéral de la Santé publique), Mauro Poggia (Conseiller d'Etat genevois en charge du département de l'emploi, des affaires sociales et de la santé) et Thomas Vogel (Consultant, Fédération internationale des hôpitaux), modération: Jean F. Freymond. Le 25 Janvier 2018 à 12h15.Club suisse de la presse 

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  • Pardonnez-moi, Fabiola Gianotti

    « Darius Rochebin reçoit Fabiola Gianotti, directrice du CERN, l’une des co-présidentes du World Economic Forum 2018. »RTS – 21 janvier 2018 (video)

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  • New Permanent Representative of Poland presents credentials to Director-General of United Nations Office at Geneva

    UNOG – 19 January 2018 

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  • UN Migration Agency Appeals for USD 1.4 Billion to Help over 80 Million People in 50 Countries

    IOM – 19 January 2018

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  • People: Moving Landscape In The Intellectual Property World – Organisations, Industry, Law Firms

    IP-Watch – 19 January 2018

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  • Michelle Bachelet, Outgoing President of Chile, Gets a WHO Post

    Passblue  – 19 January 2018

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  • UN reforms in 2018 are top priority, says Swiss diplomat

    Swissinfo – 19 January 2018

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  • Unified Korean Olympic Team to march at Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018

    CIO –  20 January 2018

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  • World Meteorological Organization confirms 2017 among the three warmest years on record

    WMO – 18 January 2018 

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  • Science is universal and unifying

    By Fabiola Gianotti, Director General, CERNWEF – 18 January 2018 

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