Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Low quality healthcare is increasing the burden of illness and health costs globally

    WHO – 5 July 2018 

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  • 6 ways to ensure AI and new tech works for – not against – humanity

    World Economic Forum – 5 July 2018 

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  • Rate of new trade restrictions from G20 economies doubles against previous period

    WTO – 4 July 2018 

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  • We need to talk about the Higgs

    CERN – 4 July 2018 

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  • «On ne peut aller vers la Chine en ne parlant que de Genève»

    Agefi – 4 juillet 2018 

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  • L'Assemblée propose le renouvellement du Recteur

    Université de Genève – 4 juillet 2018 

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  • Geneva Call's new visual identity

    Geneva Call – 28 June 2018 

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  • Que faire face à la généralisation du viol de guerre?

    Swissinfo – 4 juillet 2018 

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  • Français, anglais, portugais, espagnol et italien : les langues les plus parlées par les Genevois

    OCSTAT/ République et canton de Genève – 3 juillet 2018 

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  • Endless Gaming May Be a Bad Habit. That Doesn't Make It a Mental Illness.

    New York Times – 2 July 2018 

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  • WMO Council approves new strategic plan

    WMO – 3 July 2018 

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  • OMCT: "Torture is like cancer"

    With Gerald Staberock, Secretary General of the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT)CNN Money Switzerland – 3 July 2018 

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  • IOM to Unveil New Virtual Reality Exhibition about Internal Displacement in Geneva

    IOM – 3 July 2018 

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  • Plaidoyer pour un pont sur la Rade

    Le blog d'Edouard CuendetTribune de Genève – 2 juillet 2018 

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  • Ben Stiller appointed Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

    UNHCR – 2 July 2018 

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  • What We Know About Air Pollution Around the World

    Interview with Dr Maria Neira, Director of the department of public health, environment and social determinants of health, WHOUN DISPATCH – 2 July 2018 (audio) 

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  • Seventieth session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women opens in Geneva

    UNOG – 2 July 2018 

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  • DNDi announces new Director of Neglected Tropical Diseases

    DNDI – 1 July 2018 

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  • Solar lamps: bringing together innovation and technology to people caught in war

    ICRC – 3 July 2018 

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  • ILO calls for urgent action to prevent looming global care crisis

    ILO – 28 June 2018 

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  • The 10 places in crisis the world chooses to ignore – in pictures

    The Guardian – 2 July 2018 

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