Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Top 5: Standards for accessible travel

    ISO – 25 juillet 2019 

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  • La Suisse reste le pays le plus innovant au monde pour la neuvième année consécutive (OMPI)

    ONU Info – 24 juillet 2019

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  • Make environmental damage a war crime, say scientists

    The Guardian – 24 July 2019

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  • Patients cured of deadly tropical disease can infect others for years, researchers warn

    The Telegraph – 23 July 2019

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  • Gavi says 1.3 million doses of Merck's Ebola vaccine will be made available; MSF says field supply "extremely low" & "sporadic"

    Health Policy Watch – 23 July 2019

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  • Comment réchauffer un quartier en refroidissant le LHC

    CERN – 23 juillet 2019

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  • The next start-up cities that will transform the global economy

    WEF – 23 July 2019

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  • Rolph Payet, le grand nettoyage dans la gestion des déchets

    Le Temps – 23 juillet 2019

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  • Human Rights warriors tell their stories at the Nelson Mandela Human Rights lecture

    Geneva Academy – 23 July 2019

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  • As the SDGs falter, the UN turns to the rich and famous

    PassBlue – 23 July 2019

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  • Committee against Torture opens its sixty-seventh session

    UNOG – 22 July 2019

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  • Committee on the elimination of discrimination against women concludes its seventy-third session

    UNOG – 19 July 2019

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  • New permanent representative of Nauru presents credentials to the Acting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UNOG – 22 July 2019

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  • Fairer trade can strike a blow against rising inequality

    UNCTAD – 19 July 2019

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  • Trade-restrictive measures continue at historically high level

    WTO – 22 July 2019

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