Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Heidi News and other niche publishers take the plunge in Geneva

    Swissinfo – 24 February 2019 

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  • What's happening in international Geneva this week?

    Human Rights Council / 40th session; WTO General Council; Cérémonie de remise des Prix ACANU 2019 avec António Guterres; Nexus Dialogue on Sustainable Infrastructure for the SDGs by UN EM; High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen; Fondations nationales et internationales : quels soutiens pour quels secteurs, au Club Suisse de la Presse, and more.Genève internationale – 25 February 2019 

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  • Une clé pour la Genève internationale 4.0

    Le Temps – 20 février 2019 

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  • Human Rights Council to hold its fortieth regular session from 25 February to 22 March 2019

    UNOG - 21 February 2019 

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  • CERN Human Resources receive award from the European Commission

    CERN - 21 February 2019 

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  • Les stagiaires de l'ONU veulent être payés

    Tribune de Genève – 20 février 2019 

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  • Broadening its donor base and non-state actors – Does WHO really have a choice when it comes to financing?

    International Health Policies Network – 22 February 2019 

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  • Climate change "cause of most under-reported humanitarian crises"

    The Guardian - 21 February 2019 

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  • Opinion: 800 million reasons why disability is a key development issue

    By Kristalina Georgieva, interim president of the World Bank Group and chief executive officer of the World BankDEVEX – 20 February 2019 

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  • Federal Council strengthens Switzerland's position as host state and in addressing emerging issues

    Federal Council – 20 February 2019 

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  • Le Conseil d'Etat soutient la création de la fondation "Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator" aux côtés du Conseil fédéral et du Conseil administratif de la Ville de Genève

    Conseil d'Etat / République et canton de Genève – 20 février 2019 

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  • Countries are spending more on health, but people are still paying too much out of their own pockets

    WHO – 20 February 2019 

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  • United Nations moves to help combat sexual abuse in its ranks

    Reuters – 20 February 2019 

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  • ICRC, NBC Left Field explore plight of families of missing migrants in new series

    ICRC – 19 February 2019 

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  • Not enough resettlement solutions for refugees worldwide, says UN

    UN News – 19 February 2019 

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