Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Video Gaming Industry Issues Attack On WHO’s Proposed Gaming Disorder Classification

    IP-Watch – 1 March 2018 

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  • Switzerland and ILO sign new agreement on peace and development through employment

    ILO – 4 February 2018 

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  • Pourquoi le pape François viendra dans la Rome protestante

    Le Temps – 28 février 2018 (enregistrement) 

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  • ICT stakeholders to advance Sustainable Development Goals at World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2018

    "More than 2,500 information and communication technology (ICT) experts from around the globe will convene in Geneva, 19-23 March 2018." ITU – 1 March 2018

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  • How ITU helps to create a new mobile era via 5G

    By Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary-GeneralITU – 28 February 2018 

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  • DG Azevêdo stresses need for inclusiveness, transparency and flexibility in WTO talks

    WTO – 28 February 2018 

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  • Le plurilatéralisme, une nouvelle façon de faire avancer le commerce international

    RTS – 1er mars 2018 (audio) 

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  • Lies, Damned Lies, and One Very Misleading Statistic

    New York Times – 28 February 2018 

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  • Press briefing notes on funding

    OHCHR – 27 February 2018 

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  • Visites de haut rang au CERN

    CERN – 28 février 2018 

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  • WIPO, WHO, WTO Directors General Pledge to Expand Cooperation on Health, IP and Trade

    WIPO – 27 February 2018 

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  • WHO provides first-ever approval for rectal artesunate product for severe malaria

    MMV– 27 February 2018 

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  • We need a sustainable business model

    Interview with Thomas B. Cueni, Director General of IFPMA IFPMA – 27 February 2018 

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  • Five-point plan to prevent and address all forms of harassment for greater accountability and transparency within UNAIDS

    UNAIDS – 27 February 2018 

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  • Le personnel de l'ONU à Genève mobilisé pour une réforme du système

    Swissinfo/ATS – 27 février 2018 

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