Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • New IPU report shows well-designed quotas lead to significantly more women MPs

    IPU – 5 March 2019 

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  • Pascal Hufschmid dirigera le Musée de la Croix-Rouge genevois dès le 1er juillet

    Bilan – 5 mars 2019 

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  • Majorities of Americans See the Need for NATO and the UN

    Gallup – 4 March 2019 

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  • Geneva Conventions turn 70: A cause for celebration or concern?

    CNN Money Switzerland – 5 March 2019 (Video) 

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  • Air pollution, the 'silent killer' that claims seven million lives a year: rights council hears

    UN News – 4 March 2019 

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  • 4th Geneva Engage Awards

    Geneva Engage – 4 March 2019 

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  • Accountability can reverse plastic pollution crisis, says WWF report

    WWF – 5 March 2019 

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  • WWF accused of funding guards who 'tortured and killed scores of people'

    The Guardian – 4 March 2019 

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  • Web@30: The 30-year anniversary of an invention that changed the world

    CERN – 4 March 2019 

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  • From exploited to empowered – my journey as a domestic worker

    ILO – 4 March 2019 

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  • Democracy and the Internet: Is the honeymoon over?

    Kofi Annan Foundation – 4 March 2019 

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  • L'œil de la Genève internationale! Le 20e anniversaire de l'entrée en vigueur de la Convention sur l'interdiction des mines antipersonnel

    Genève internationale – 4 mars 2019 

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  • New permanent representative of Peru presents credentials to the Director-general of the United Nations office at Geneva

    UNOG – 1 March 2019 

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  • ICC Permanent observer presents nomination letter at UN

    ICC – 2 March 2019 

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