Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • L'esplanade du Cern change de visage

    Léman Bleu – 5 février 2018 (vidéo) 

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  • Particle Physics: what's an Odderon, and did CERN Just reveal it exists?

    Newsweek – 5 February 2018 (video) 

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  • Top ivory investigator murdered in Kenya

    The Guardian – 5 February 2018 

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  • L'ONU appelle la communauté internationale à renforcer son soutien aux pays les moins avancés

    Centre d'actualités de l'ONU – 5 février 2018 

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  • Internal 'dysfunction' poses threats to WHO mission

    Devex – 5 February 2018 

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  • Study: vaccines prevent not just disease, but also poverty

    GAVI – 5 February 2018 

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  • Le nouveau visage du commerce mondial

    Le Temps – 5 février 2018 

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  • Inside views: analysis of the Working Group On Enhanced Cooperation on public policy issues pertaining to the Internet

    By Richard Hill IP-Watch – 5 February 2018 

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  • Confessions of a #DigitalDiplomat

    By Jovan KurbalijaDiploFoundation – 2 February 2018

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  • Photo of the week: Plan International

    On 7 February 2018, Plan International will launch the Girls' Rights are Human Rights report and a wide-ranging platform. Geneva international – 5 February 2018 

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  • Cancer organisations worldwide called to join efforts for greater equity in access to cancer treatment and care

    UICC – 4 February 2018 

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  • IFRC confirms criminal complaint against Ammado AG

    IFRC – 2 February 2018 

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  • UN will ‘not tolerate’ sexual harassment in its ranks – Guterres

    UN News Centre – 2 February 2018 

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  • New Permanent Representative of Georgia presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UNOG – 2 February 2018 

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  • Digital policy trends in January

    Digital Watch Newsletter Geneva Internet Platform – January 2018 

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  • Committee on the Rights of the Child concludes seventy-seventh session

    UNOG – 2 February 2018 

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  • Why cash as aid risks becoming a passing fad

    IRIN – 2 February 2018 

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  • ITU workshop focuses on the 'Future of Cable TV' in a converged ICT marketplace

    ITU – 2 February 2018 

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  • Survey of European economists finds sizable gender gaps in opinions

    ILO – 5 February 2018 

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  • Putin appoints new Russian permanent envoy to UN office and other organizations in Geneva

    TASS – 1 February 2018 

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  • Conference on Disarmament continues discussions on how to reach consensus on adopting a programme of work

    UNOG – 1 February 2018 

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