Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Western Sahara: a peaceful solution to conflict is possible, says UN envoy

    UN News – 6 December 2018 

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  • Genève, capitale de la finance durable?

    Tribune de Genève – 6 décembre 2018 

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  • New WHO report highlights insufficient progress to tackle lack of safety on the world's roads

    WHO – 7 December 2018 

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  • Renewed Hope for Peace in Yemen

    By Martin Griffiths, Special envoy of the United Nations Secretary general for YemenNew York Times – 6 December 2018 

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  • Yemen: Agreement to release, transfer and repatriate detainees in relation to the conflict

    ICRC – 6 December 2018 

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  • 70e anniversaire de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme

    OHCR – 6 December 2018 

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  • Sahara occidental: Genève accueille la première réunion en six ans

    Swissinfo/ATS – 5 décembre 2018 

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  • ICRC appeal to fund its operations in 2019

    ICRC – 6 December 2018 

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  • Une ONG genevoise met la clé sous la porte et licencie ses 50 collaborateurs

    Le Temps – 6 décembre 2018 

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  • Health benefits far outweigh the costs of meeting climate change goals

    WHO – 5 December 2018 

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  • WHO Emergencies Head Praises Collaboration With Pharma On Ebola, Calls For Expanded Strategic Collaboration

    Health Policy Watch – 5 December 2018 

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  • When morals become actions – the ILO's Nobel Peace Prize

    100 years of ILO History - SeriesILO – 29 November 2018 

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  • 'Continuation of civilisation is in your hands,' Attenborough tells world leaders

    The Guardian/YouTube – 3 December 2018 (video) 

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  • A Genève, un Ted X sous le signe de l'autonomisation des femmes

    Radio Lac – 4 décembre 2018 

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  • David A. Ricks Elected New President of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA)

    IFPMA – 4 December 2018 

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