Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • UNHCR and IOM appeal to European leaders to tackle Mediterranean deaths

    UNHCR – 17 October 

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  • Une fondation élargie pour plus d'impact sur la société

    CERN & Société – 15 octobre 2018 

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  • United Nations agencies call for ban on virginity testing

    WHO – 17 October 2018 

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  • Antimicrobial Resistance At The World Investment Forum: UNCTAD, WHO Join Forces

    Health Policy Watch – 16 October 2018 

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  • Nigeria: Health worker Hauwa Mohammed Liman executed in captivity

    ICRC – 16 October 2018 

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  • Global health organizations commit to new ways of working together for greater impact

    WHO – 16 October 2018 

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  • An Expert View: After The UN High-Level Meetings On TB, NCDs, What Happens Next?

    Health Policy Watch – 16 October 2018 

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  • How can the financial sector integrate and mainstream the Sustainable Development Goals into its investment portfolios

    Interview with Bertrand Gacon, Head of Corporate Sustainability at Lombard Odier and Co-Founder & CEO at ImpaaktSocial Good Summit Geneva – 16 October 2018 

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  • Draft regulation will aim to reduce cyclist and pedestrian deaths caused by trucks´blind spots

    UNECE – 16 October 2018 

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  • Dies academicus 2018

    " La Directrice générale du CERN, Mme Fabiola Gianotti, et le Haut-Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l'Homme de 2014 à 2018, M. Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, étaient les invités d'honneur de cette cérémonie placée sous le signe de l'engagement."UNIGE – 12 octobre 2018 

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  • IFRC Secretary General appointed Global Commissioner on Climate Change Adaptation

    IFRC – 16 October 2018 

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  • The GCSP hosted the 1st U.S Think Tanks Tour of Switzerland for a roundtable

    GSCP - 16 October 2018 

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  • Are we back to the Cold War?

    Interview with Thania Paffenholz, Inclusive Peace and Transition Initiative (IPTI)CNN Money Switzerland – 15 October 2018 (audio)

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  • Compte-rendu Les rendez-vous de la migration du jeudi 13 septembre 2018

    GCSP – 15 octobre 2018 

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  • Overseas investment falling, developing countries largely unscathed: UN trade agency

    UN News – 15 October 2018 

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