Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Les mesures de confinement impactent durement les finances de certaines ONG

    RTS / Tout un monde – 29 mai 2020

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  • Global Leaders Unlock Ways for Precision Medicine to Fight COVID-19, Cancers and Emerging Infectious Diseases

    WEF – 27 May 2020

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  • World Food Programme pulls COVID-19 fundraising images after backlash

    Devex – 27 May 2020

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  • New dates agreed for COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference

    GOV.UK – 28 May 2020

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  • ILO: More than one in six young people out of work due to COVID-19

    ILO – 27 May 2020 

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  • WHO manifesto calls for end to fossil fuel subsidies in Covid-19 recovery / Geneva Solutions – 27 May 2020 

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  • WHO Foundation Established to Support Critical Global Health Needs

    WHO – 27 May 2020 

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  • Declaration by the health care in danger community of concern about the current situation of violence against health care

    Health Care in Danger – May 2020 

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  • Joint UN/ICRC Op-Ed on explosive weapons in populated areas and Covid-19

    Reliefweb – 27 May 2020 

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  • WIPO PROOF: WIPO Introduces New Business Service That Provides Evidence of an Intellectual Asset's Existence

    With Francis Gurry, Director General, WIPO
    WIPO – 27 May 2020

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  • New podcast: Launching ‘the US-China Conversation’

    With Michael Vatikiotis, HD’s Asia Director, Susan Thornton, former Acting Assistant Secretary of State, and Professor Da Wei of the University of International Relations in Beijing
    Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue – 27 May 2020 (audio)

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  • Coronavirus: Federal Council decides on extensive easing of measures as of 6 June

    Confédération Suisse – 27 May 2020 

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  • Coronavirus: Further easing of entry restrictions from 8 June

    Confédération Suisse – 27 May 2020 

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  • What came out of WHO’s World Health Assembly last week? / Geneva Solutions – 27 May 2020

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  • As COVID-19 Cases In The Americas Rise; 1-4 People At Higher Risk Of Serious Illness Due To ‘Pervasive’ Incidence Of Underlying Diseases

    Health Policy Watch – 27 May 2020

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