Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • First Person: Two nearly identical cases of sex abuse; two very different responses

    IRIN – 27 June 2018 

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  • WMO presents top scientific prize to Gordon McBean of Canada

    WMO – 27 June 2018 

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  • Le compte à rebours est lancé: CineGlobe décolle dans 5-4-3..!

    CINEGLOBE is back ! Summer film festival at CERN 29/6 - 8/7  From 29th June to 8th July a host of films and events will energize CERN’s Globe of Science and Innovation and the Perle du Lac. With the theme Intelligent Futures, CineGlobe examines our legacy and our future, from human intelligence to artificial intelligence. Open-air screenings, shorts, documentaries and features, workshops, special evenings, mars simulation missions, fulldome 360 VR films, a hackathon, an international congress and more! Including a full lakeside weekend at the Perle du Lac’s starry Nuit de la Science.   The festival is free and open to all, accessible both in English and French.  Visit for the full programme of events 

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  • Launch of the Centre for Sport and Human Rights

    Centre for Sport and Human Rights – 26 June 2018 

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  • UN Migration Agency to Select Next Director General on Friday

    IOM – 26 June 2018 

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  • Saying 'no' to palm oil would likely displace, not halt biodiversity loss – IUCN report

    IUCN – 26 June 2018 

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  • New Tunisian President of Conference on Disarmament suggests it should discuss the Secretary-General's disarmament agenda "Securing Our Common Future"

    UNOG – 26 June 2018 

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  • Social media has "enabled a whole new wave of conflicts"

    With David Harland, Executive Director, Centre for Humanitarian DialogueCNN Money Switzerland – 26 June 2018 

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  • L'avenir international des drones se joue aussi en Suisse

    Swissinfo/ATS – 26 juin 2018 

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  • Gap between refugee resettlement needs and opportunities widens

    UNHCR – 25 June 2018 

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  • Nutrition Champions Win 2018 World Food Prize for Leading Global Movement to Reduce Child Stunting

    "Drs. Lawrence Haddad and David Nabarro were announced today as the 2018 World Food Prize Laureates during a ceremony at the U.S. Department of Agriculture."The World Food Prize – 25 June 2018 

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  • This is what the financial sector can do to fight cyber attacks

    By Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, International Monetary FundWorld Economic Forum – 25 June 2018 

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  • Summits: the end of an era?

    By Cédric Dupont, Professor, International Relations/Political Science& Director of Executive EducationIHEID – 22 June 2018 

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  • ISOLDE explore l'ADN

    "Les installations du CERN ne se limitent pas exclusivement à la physique des particules. C'est ainsi que des scientifiques travaillant auprès de l'installation de physique nucléaire ISOLDEs'intéressent maintenant aux molécules d'ADN."CERN – 26 juin 2018 

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  • Photo de la semaine : solidarité avec les populations touchées par le virus Ebola en République démocratique du Congo (RDC)

    Genève internationale – 25 juin 2018 

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  • Neuf classes du cycle d'orientation ont été « bâtisseurs de paix » le temps d'une matinée

    IHEID – 21 juin 2018 

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  • António Vitorino: Global Compact on Migration will be a test case for multilateralism

    IHEID – 14 June 2018 

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  • Ocean science and observations in focus at Executive Council

    WMO – 22 June 2018 

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  • Geneva Airport – The challenges – and problems – facing International Geneva's aerial gateway

    Global Geneva – 24 June 2018 

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  • Donald Trump, un malheur et une chance pour Genève

    Le Temps – 22 juin 2018 (enregistrement) 

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  • 1919-2019: Genève devient une ville internationale

    Par Sandrine Kott, Professeure d'histoire contemporaine, Université de Genève et Grégoire Carasso, Doctorant à l'Université de Genève, député au Grand ConseilLe Temps – 24 juin 2018 (enregistrement) 

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