Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Coronavirus Global Response: Access to COVID-19 Tools-Accelerator Facilitation Council holds inaugural meeting

    WHO - 10 September 2020

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  • United in Science report: Climate Change has not stopped for COVID19

    WMO – 9 September 2020

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  • WWF’s Living Planet Report reveals two-thirds decline in wildlife populations on average since 1970

    WWF – 9 September 2020

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  • Summary Statement of the Libyan Consultative Meeting of 7-9 September 2020

    Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue – 10 September 2020

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  • After Resisting, the UN Redeploys Peacekeepers to Protect Dr. Mukwege, Amid Death Threats

    PassBlue – 9 September 2020

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  • MSF ran 'white saviour' TV ad despite staff warnings over racism

    The Guardian – 10 September 2020

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  • Le Covid-19 au menu du Conseil des droits de l’homme

    Tribune de Genève / ATS – 10 septembre 2020

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  • ITU celebrates 15 years of the second phase of WSIS with 150 countries joining the Virtual WSIS Forum 2020

    ITU – 10 September 2020

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  • Marie Laure Salles, directrice de l'IHEID: «Je suis opposée à une ubérisation du monde académique»

    Le Temps – 8 septembre 2020

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  • WTO Director-General Selection Process: Candidates Present Their Visions, Final Phase Kicks Off

    IISD – 8 September 2020

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  • World Trade Organization: How an African head could make a difference

    BBC News – 8 September 2020

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  • COVID-19 could reverse decades of progress toward eliminating preventable child deaths, agencies warn

    WHO – 9 September 2020

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  • The next generation of tech leaders offer to bring the future to the table

    Geneva Solutions – 8 September 2020

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  • Paving the way for more transparency in health data

    Geneva Solutions – 8 September 2020

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  • Aide humanitaire: la Suisse fait don de presque 3 millions de masques au HCR

    DFAE / Confédération suisse - 8 septembre 2020

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