Movers and Shakers
Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.
- Avec l'installation des îles Marshall, la Genève internationale tutoie l'universalité
Le Temps – 20 juin 2019
- Geneva Diplomats Briefed about the 2020 Review of UN Treaty Bodies
Geneva Academy – 21 June 2019
- Le CERN invite le public à explorer le futur, à l'occasion de ses journées portes ouvertes
CERN – 19 juin 2019
- World leaders call for action on the future of work
Day 9: 108th International Labour ConferenceILO – 19 June 2019
- WHO flags critical funding gap, calls for political parties to join fight against Ebola
WHO – 19 June 2019
- Le Point du jour
Bonjour, c'est Yves à Genève. Je ne suis pas le nouveau reporter de, mais bien le directeur général du CICR, où l'on cherche à inventer l'humanitaire du – 20 juin 2019
- Global forced displacement tops 70 million
"The yearly Global Trends report found that 70.8 million children, women and men were forcibly displaced at the close of 2018, the highest number in the organization's almost 70-year history."UNHCR – 19 June 2019
- WHO Launches Campaign to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance; Most Countries Fail to Report Aggregate Drug Use
Health Policy Watch – 18 June 2019
- Well-functioning multilateral system key to an equitable future of work
Day 8: 108th International Labour Conference - Thematic ForumILO – 18 June 2019
- Human Rights council to hold its forty-first regular session from 24 June to 12 July 2019
UNOG – 19 June 2019
- ILC forum looks at how to shape technological change to promote decent work
Day 7: 108th International Labour Conference - Thematic ForumILO – 17 June 2019
- 1 in 3 people globally do not have access to safe drinking water – UNICEF, WHO
WHO – 18 June 2019
- Le projet MAlt
"Le projet Microsoft Alternatives (MAlt) a débuté il y a un an pour atténuer les effets des augmentations prévues des droits de licence de logiciel."CERN – 12 juin 2019
- 9.7 billion on Earth by 2050, but growth rate slowing, says new UN population report
UN News – 17 June 2019
- L'œil de la Genève internationale: Geneva Drug Policy Week
The Geneva Platform on Human Rights, Health and Psychoactive Substances will hold the Geneva Drug Policy Week from 24 to 28 June 2019Genève Internationale – 17 juin 2019