Movers and Shakers
Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.
- Securaxis is the first incubatee of BIC of CERN technologies
Park Innovaare – 12 November 2018
- Children worldwide submit more than 17,000 works of art to celebrate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights' 70th anniversary International jury named to select winners of Kids for Human Rights international drawing competition
Kids4Humanrights – 13 November 2018
- WHO warns urgent action is needed to tackle global misuse of antibiotics
The Telegraph – 12 November 2018
- Industry Coalition Tries To Get Out Front Of Antibiotic Resistance Efforts
Health Policy Watch – 12 November 2018
- Liberté d'expression à l'ère numérique
Par Micheline Calmy-Rey, organisatrice de la Semaine des droits humainsTribune de Genève – 12 novembre 2018
- Where war crimes and social media intersect
By Nina Suomalainen, Executive Director, Justice Rapid ResponseCNN Money Switzerland – 12 November 2018 (video)
- Le Directeur général Roberto Azevêdo rejoint le Président Macron pour discuter du renforcement du multilatéralisme et de l'OMC
OMC – 12 novembre 2018
- Address to the Internet Governance Forum
By António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-GeneralUN – 12 November 2018
- Photo of the week: Grand Finale Demo Day for Collaborate for Social Impact (C4SI) on 24th November, 2018
Young innovators will present innovative solutions to various challenges faced by international and non-governmental organizations.Genève internationale – 12 November 2018
- L'opposition congolaise réunie à Genève désigne son candidat à la présidentielle
Tribune de Genève – 11 novembre 2018
- Le multilatéralisme est plus que jamais nécessaire, affirme le chef de l'ONU au Forum de Paris sur la paix
ONU Info – 11 novembre 2018
- A house for social justice - past, present and future
In the first of a series looking at 100 years of ILO history, we chart key moments of the ILO story through the main buildings that have been its home.ILO – 8 November 2018
- 50 years on, the 1968 Conventions on Road Traffic and Road Signs and Signals are still at the core of road safety efforts worldwide
UNECE – 8 November 2018
- Cash Transfer Programming in Armed Conflict: The ICRC's Experience
ICRC – 10 September 2018