Movers and Shakers
Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.
- ISO standards help develop new toilet technology that will save millions of lives
ISO – 6 November 2018
- La marche mondiale vers Genève veut réformer la charte de l'ONU
Swissinfo – 7 novembre 2018
- First WHO Global Coordination Meeting On NCDs Sets Actions For Future
Health Policy Watch – 7 November 2018
- Un nouveau Conseil et une nouvelle direction pour la MIA !
Maison Internationale des Associations – 6 novembre 2018
- 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
"The UN Human Rights Office on Tuesday announced the start, in mid-November, of "a month of activation," involving events all across the world, leading up to the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the iconic Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on 10 December 1948."OHCHR – 6 November 2018
- Challenging the Conventional: Making Post-Violence Reconciliation Succeed
Kofi Annan Foundation - 6 November 2018
- Tim Berners-Lee launches campaign to save the web from abuse
The Guardian – 5 November 2018
- In China, Bill Gates Encourages the World to Build a Better Toilet
The New York Times – 6 November 2018
- Committments Made At First WHO Conference On Air Pollution A Critical Step
Health Policy Watch – 5 November 2018
- Grappling with Globalization 4.0
By Klaus Schwab Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic ForumWEF – 5 November 2018
- Perturbation de circulation: manifestation
Facebook – Police Cantonale de Genève – 5 novembre 2018
- Photo de la semaine: Suyay, the missing, the waiting, the grieving. Photo exhibition on missing persons in partnership with the ICRC (7-25 November 2018)
Genève internationale – 5 November 2018
- When Swallows Cry Award-Winning Theatre Performance on Migration and Human Rights
As part of Geneva Peace Week, this play is open to the public and free to attendGeneva Peacebuilding Platform - 6 November 2018
- Des genevois plongés dans l'humanité des conflits grâce au virtuel
La Liberté – 4 novembre 2018