Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Sisters | Flèche Love | TEDxPlaceDesNationsWomen

    YouTube / TEDx – 8 January 2019 (video) 

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  • The usefulness of the useless knowledge

    By Fabiola Gianotti, Director-General of CERNCERN – 15 January 2019 

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  • Mega tube under Geneva enters race to succeed CERN collider

    Reuters – 16 January 2019 

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  • Marc Vanheukelen: L'OMC traverse une crise existentielle

    Le Temps – 18 janvier 2019 

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  • Aliph, the global fund to protect cultural heritage, announces its first projects in Iraq and Mali

    The Art Newspaper – 16 January 2019 

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  • Beau et éphémère, l'Opéra des Nations nous dit adieu et s'en va en Chine

    Tribune de Genève – 17 janvier 2019 

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  • Defenders of Human Rights Are Making a Comeback

    By Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights WatchForeign Policy – 17 January 2019 

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  • WHO statement on reports of alleged misconduct

    WHO – 17 January 2019 

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  • Au moins jusqu'au push de Darius Rochebin

    Le Temps – 17 janvier 2019 

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  • Fire, aim, ready | Kate Gilmore | TEDxPlaceDesNationsWomen

    YouTube / TEDx Talks – 8 January 2019 (video)- 

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  • Bachelet appeals for record funds to support UN human rights work in an era of great turbulence

    OHCHR – 16 January 2019 

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  • Anti-vax movement listed by World Health Organization as one of the top 10 health threats for 2019

    Newsweek – 15 January 2019 

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  • New global alliance commits over USD $1 billion to help end plastic waste in the environment; sets goal of investing USD $1.5 billion

    WBCSD – 16 January 2019 

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  • Le CERN voit les choses en grand pour observer l'infiniment petit

    Le Temps – 16 janvier 2019 

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  • The ICRC develops its first massive open online course (MOOC) on sustainability in humanitarian action

    ICRC – 16 January 2019 

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  • Proving our worth through action': 5 things Guterres wants the UN to focus on in 2019

    UN News -16 January 2019 

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  • Ready for another 130 years of empowering parliaments

    By Gabriela Cuevas Barron, IPU President, and Martin Chungong, IPU Secretary GeneralIPU – 7 January 2019 

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  • Jasmine Abdulcadir, réparer les femmes

    Le Temps – 16 janvier 2019 

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  • Countering myths about FGM/C | Jasmine Abdulcadir | TEDxPlaceDesNationsWomen

    YouTube / TEDx Talks – 8 January 2019 (video) 

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  • Une collaboration internationale publie l'étude de conception d'un futur collisionneur circulaire post-LHC au CERN

    "Le rapport expose les remarquables perspectives pour la physique offertes par des machines d'une énergie et d'une intensité jamais atteintes jusqu'ici, et détaille les défis techniques, les coûts et les calendriers de réalisation d'un tel projet."CERN – 15 janvier 2019 

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