Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Les Nations Unies célèbrent la première Journée mondiale des échecs en mettant l'accent sur la fraternité

    ONU Info – 20 juillet 2020

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  • CERN visits your home

    “Take part in interactive virtual lectures and discover the world of particles and the scientists exploring it”
    CERN – 16 July 2020

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  • Human Rights Council concludes forty-fourth regular session after adopting 23 resolutions

    UN Geneva – 17 July 2020

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  • Coronavirus: WHO reports record single-day global increase in cases

    BBC News – 19 July 2020

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  • Can new leadership fix the World Trade Organization's existential crisis? / Geneva Solutions – 17 July 2020

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  • ‘Inequality defines our time’: UN chief delivers hard-hitting Mandela day message

    UN News – 18 July 2020

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  • What’s on this week?

    General Council at WTO; Digital Health Virtual Round Table with the Member States at WHO; Lancement de la norme mondiale sur les Solutions fondées sur la Nature à l'UICN; Ciné ONU online edition "Wake up on Mars"; Human Rights Committee; Commitee against Torture; Webinar on Athlete Activism & Freedom of Expression by Centre for Sport and Human Rights, and more. Check out the calendar!

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  • UN issues $10.3B coronavirus appeal and warns of the price of inaction

    OCHA – 16 July 2020

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  • The Fastest Way Out of the Pandemic

    By Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, Richard Hatchett, CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, and Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist of the WHO

    Project Syndicate – 15 July 2020

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  • Building Back Better: Equality at the Centre

    By Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary, ECLAC, Guy Ryder, Director-General, ILO, and Tatiana Valovaya, Director-General, UNOG

    The Geneva Observer – 16 July 2020

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  • Human Rights Council adopts 13 resolutions, extends mandates on Eritrea, education, extrajudicial executions, trafficking in persons, leprosy, judges and lawyers, persons with disabilities, international solidarity and extreme poverty

    UN Geneva – 16 July 2020

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  • The Fight Continues Against Malaria

    The Global Fund / Youtube – 16 July 2020 (video)

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  • Sur la route du virus qui fait trembler le monde

    Avec Jean-Philippe Ceppi, producteur, Temps Présent, et Didier Pittet, médecin et épidémiologiste

    RTS / Objectif Monde – 16 juillet 2020 (vidéo)

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  • L’OMS et l'UNICEF mettent en garde contre le déclin des vaccinations pendant la Covid-19

    ONU Info – 15 juillet 2020

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  • How WHO is supporting ongoing vaccination efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic

    WHO – 14 July 2020

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  • 150 Countries Sign Up For COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility; Moderna Releases Promising Peer-Reviewed Phase I Vaccine Trial Results

    Health Policy Watch – 15 July 2020

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  • La fin de la pandémie n’est pas pour demain

    Le Temps – 15 juillet 2020

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  • WTO leadership contenders begin auditions at global trade body

    Al Jazeera – 15 July 2020

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  • Fertility, mortality, migration, and population scenarios for 195 countries and territories from 2017 to 2100: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study

    The Lancet – 14 July 2020

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  • The future of migration, human populations, and global health in the Anthropocene

    The Lancet – 14 July 2020

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  • The impact of COVID-19 on human rights

    With Vincent Chetail, Professor of International Law, Chair of the International Law Department, Director of the Global Migration Centre (Graduate Institute) and President of the Board of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights; Andrew Clapham, Professor of International Law Rights and former Director of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

    The Graduate Institute – 15 July 2020 (audio)

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