Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • New Permanent Representative of Latvia Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva – 3 September 2020

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  • New Permanent Representative of Oman presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva – 3 September 2020

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  • Beijing, 25 Years Later: Are Women Better Off?

    PassBlue – 4 September 2020

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  • What’s on this week?

    WSIS Forum 2020 Final Week; #YouNeedToKnow: Exposition sur les ODD at Place des Nations; Virtual Climate Summit | Climate:Red, by IFRC; Human Rights Council Elections 2020: discussions of candidate States’ visions for membership, by ISHR; Webinar: Balancing risk appetite and risk tolerance in humanitarian operations by PHAP; Virtual Launch: WHO Report on Global Trans Fat Elimination 2020;

    And more! Check out the calendar

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  • New Permanent Representative of Cameroon presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva – 1 September 2020

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  • New Permanent Representative of the Republic of Moldova presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva – 2 September 2020

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  • New Permanent Representative of Sweden presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva – 1 September 2020

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  • New Permanent Representative of Switzerland presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva – 1 September 2020

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  • ILO announces new Deputy Director-General for Policy

    ILO – 3 September 2020

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  • Biopharma industry updates on COVID-19 treatments progress and warns about upholding regulatory standards of quality

    IFPMA – 3 September 2020

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  • Life-saving infant oxygen device awarded Unitaid funding

    Unitaid – 3 September 2020

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  • Fabiola Gianotti s’exprime sur un retour sûr au travail sur site

    CERN – 3 septembre 2020

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  • Le Portail de la science rapprochera le CERN des gens

    "La phase de construction du projet devrait démarrer dans le courant de l'année, une étape cruciale vers l'emblème de la communication scientifique dont rêve le CERN"

    CERN – 2 septembre 2020

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  • Digital Watch newsletter - Issue 52 - July and August 2020

    Geneva Internet Platform – 3 September 2020

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  • GII 2020: COVID-19 Pandemic’s Expected Impact on Global Innovation; Annual Ranking Topped by Switzerland, Sweden, U.S., U.K. and Netherlands

    WIPO – 2 September 2020

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