Movers and Shakers
Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.
- WHO Head Praises China Response To Coronavirus Emergency; Criticizes “Unnecessary” Trade and Travel Restrictions
Health Policy Watch – 3 February 2020
- How will climate change affect the way we work?
Interview with Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labour Organization
CNN Money Switzerland – 3 February 2020 (video) - Digital Watch newsletter - Issue 46 - January 2020
Geneva Internet Platform – 31 January 2019
- L'oeil de la Genève internationale
75 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, UNOG presents the documentary film "The Accountant of Auschwitz".
- Experts Question If New Coronavirus Can Be Contained In Wake Of WHO Emergency Announcement
Health Policy Watch – 31 January 2020
- L'ONU piratée à Genève: un besoin de transparence
Le Temps – 30 janvier 2020 (accès payant)
- L’ONU précise que la cyberattaque dont elle a été victime n’a pas compromis de données sensibles
ONU Info – 31 janvier 2020
- McKay Interview: Anuradha Gupta, Deputy CEO Gavi Alliance
WRS - 2 February 2020 (audio)
- What's on this week?
146th session of the WHO Executive Board; 98th IUCN Council; UNCTAD Illicit Trade Forum; Intellectual Property in the Era of Big Data and Blockchain at UNIGE, Geneva Solutions Kick-Off Meeting; I numeri di Leonardo at CERN; After Work with Foraus; and more.
- Statement on the second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
WHO – 30 January 2020
- Coronavirus: l’OMS déclare l’urgence internationale tout en saluant l'action chinoise – 30 janvier 2020 (accès payant)
- WHO Declares Public Health Emergency Over Novel Coronavirus; Researchers Ramp Up Efforts To Develop Vaccine
Health Policy Watch – 30 January 2020
- Record Funding For Global Health Research, But Neglected Tropical Diseases Remain Neglected
Forbes – 29 January 2020
- Le Conseil fédéral fixe les points forts de la politique extérieure 2020-2023
"Au premier plan figure l’objectif d’aiguiser le profil de la Suisse en matière de gouvernance mondiale de la numérisation. Genève doit à cet égard devenir un pôle incontournable."
DFAE – 30 janvier 2020 - 5th Geneva Engage Awards - Towards effective and engaging online meetings
Geneva Internet Platform – 29 January 2020
- International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on novel coronavirus in China
WHO – 30 January 2020
- EXCLUSIVE: The cyber attack the UN tried to keep under wraps
The New Humanitarian – 29 January 2020