Movers and Shakers
Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.
- Canadian refugee makes history as state delegate at UNHCR forum
The Star - 12 January 2020
- "Etat des lieux de la Genève internationale", Bulletin N°1: "Étude pôle santé"
Fondation pour Genève – 9 janvier 2020
- L’OMS prévoit de créer un musée mondial de la santé à Genève – 10 janvier 2020 (accès payant)
- Mental Health – Among The ‘Most Neglected’ Of Neglected Tropical Disease Issues, Says DNDi Scientist
Health Policy Watch – 10 January 2020
- Our Future From Now On
Message from new ISO President Eddy Njoroge
ISO – 10 January 2020 - At Davos we will tell world leaders to abandon the fossil fuel economy
By Greta Thunberg and others
The Guardian – 10 January 2020
- League of Nations: 100 years since founding of UN predecessor
Al Jazeera – 12 January 2020 (video)
- Quel monde voulons-nous?
Entretien avec António Guterres, secrétaire général des Nations unies
RTS/Geopolitis – 12 janvier 2020 (vidéo) - Du document au documentaire : La guerre ou la paix
Entretiens autour de lʹexposition "Guerre et Paix" à la Fondation Bodmer
RTS/Histoire vivante – 6 janvier 2020 (audio) - Emergencies, Cervical Cancer, IP & Innovation Among Highlights Of Member State Consultations Ahead Of WHO Executive Board
Health Policy Watch – 9 January 2020
- New Permanent Representative of Japan presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
UNOG – 9 January 2020
- Protecting refugees in Europe: UNHCR calls for a ‘year of change’
UN News – 9 January 2020
- Regain d’intérêt médiatique pour la Genève internationale
Global Geneva – 8 janvier 2020
- Booming Global Health Sector Overtakes Human Rights in Geneva, Report Says
CNN Money Switzerland – 8 January 2020 (video)
- "Geneva Day" at the World Economic Forum 2020 in Davos
Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations Office and to the other international organizations in Geneva – 6 January 2020