Your results containing the words: HQ's in geneva
Content type: Organization
Mercy Corps
Mercy Corps
Organisations non gouvernementales
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Content type: News
"The ITU Global Symposium for Regulators 2018 (GSR‐18) —the world's eminent gathering of the global ICT regulatory community—takes place from 9 to 12 July in Geneva, Switzerland."ITU – 9 July 2018
Content type: Organization
Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Développement - CNUCED
Organisations Internationales, Programmes, Fonds, Instituts et autres
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Content type: News
"The United Nations Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, today sent separate invitations to the Syrian Government and the Syrian Negotiation Commission to a special meeting with the United Nations in the framework of the United Nations-facilitated Geneva political process on Thursday 25 and Friday 26 January 2018. Owing to logistical reasons, this special meeting will be held on the premises of the United Nations at the Vienna International Centre in Vienna, Austria."UNOG – 17 January 2018
Content type: Organization
Maldives - Mission permanente (ONU)
MP Maldives
Missions permanentes et Délégations
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Content type: Organization
Myanmar - Mission permanente (ONU)
Mp Myanmar
Missions permanentes et Délégations
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Content type: Photo of the week
Content type: Organization
Inter-Agency Standing Committee - IASC
Organisations Internationales, Programmes, Fonds, Instituts et autres
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Content type: News
The Graduate Institute Geneva – 8 February 2018
Content type: Organization
Ouganda - Mission permanente (ONU)
MP Ouganda
Missions permanentes et Délégations
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Content type: Photo of the week
Content type: Organization
Union Internationale pour la Protection des Obtentions Végétales - UPOV
Organisations Internationales, Programmes, Fonds, Instituts et autres
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Content type: Organization
The Commonwealth
Missions permanentes et Délégations
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Content type: Organization
United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards - UNFSS
Organisations Internationales, Programmes, Fonds, Instituts et autres
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Content type: Organization
Portugal - Mission permanente (ONU)
MP Portugal
Missions permanentes et Délégations
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Content type: Photo of the week
Content type: Organization
Organisation Arabe du Travail - Délégation Permanente
Missions permanentes et Délégations
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Content type: Organization
Programme de reconnaissance des certifications forestières - PEFC
Organisations non gouvernementales
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