Your results containing the words: HQ's in geneva
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Young Reporters at UNOG opens the door of the United Nations in Geneva to high-school students (16-19) interested in international affairs to engage with experts from different organizations in a press briefing setting. Each session is topical (i.e. covering issues related to food, water or international development) and 2-3 representatives from organizations working in that area come to talk about their work and current issues.
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Speech of Mr Olivier Coutau, Delegate for international Geneva, Republic and State of Geneva, on the occasion of the vernissage of the book "MEETINGS" (In French)
18 December 2012
Lorsqu'il nous a été proposé par Christian Lutz, ce titre s'est imposé comme une évidence. L'ouvrage qui nous rassemble ce soir est fait de rencontres.
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August 2012
Tell us about UN-Water: why has a platform of this kind been created, what is its mandate, and how does it operate?
UN-Water is the coordination mechanism of the United Nations for all matters relating to water. It was set up in 2003, at the instigation of the Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB), to establish or strengthen collaboration between agencies on certain key topics, such as freshwater resources and water and sanitation services, among others.
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© Luca Fascini
Nirgendwo auf der Welt befinden sich so viele Global Players an ein und demselben Ort wie in Genf. Finden Sie diejenigen, die sich mit den drängendsten Herausforderungen unserer Zeit befassen, unter IOs, NGOs, ständigen Vertretungen, Plattformen, akademischen Institutionen und Willkommens- und Unterstützungsstrukturen. Sie können nach Thema und/oder Art des Akteurs suchen. Diese Liste erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Sie verleiht den genannten Akteuren keinen besonderen Status.
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On 15 September 2021, The Global Antibiotic Research & Development Partnership (GARDP), the Diplomatic Club, the Canton of Geneva, the Swiss Permanent Mission to the UN in Geneva and the Federal Office of Public Health are hosting a high-level dialogue on the silent pandemic of antibiotic resistance.
Content type: Organization
Perception Change project
Content type: Photo of the week
On 13 January 2022, in the framework of the Geneva Beat Plastic Pollution dialogues, and in partnership with UN-EMG and GRID-Arendal, the Geneva Environment Network (GEN) convenes you to the virtual conference "UN response to marine litter and plastic pollution." In the same field of expertise with this event co-organized by the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions and the Minamata Convention Secretariats, the GEN organizes the "8th Replenishment of the GEF Trust Fund – Ambitions for the Chemicals and Waste Cluster," on 14 January. Here, a beach in Nice, France, in 2015 by Martin Parr.
Content type: Photo of the week
For the release of the French version of its very first report "Playing with Lives: Cyberattacks on Healthcare are Attacks on People", the CyberPeace Institute organizes a virtual seminar on 30 March 2021. This image of doctors and nurses treating a suspected COVID-19 patient, was taken by Magnum photographer Lorenzo Meloni at the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo, Italy on 23 March 2020.
Content type: Photo of the week
The Geneva Cities Hub (GCH) launching event will take place on Tuesday 25 August at La Maison de la Paix. Supported by the Confederation, the canton, and the City of Geneva, the GCH aims to facilitate relations between global urban actors and Geneva-based international organizations, diplomatic missions, civil society organizations, and Academia. It will coordinate its activities with city networks through partnerships. Should you not be registered, you may follow the event live here.
Content type: Photo of the week
"How global governance needs to adapt to new world orders?" How do we accelerate the process from ideas to actions? What can be done now, and by whom? Those questions are at the core of the new digital publication "Geneva Policy Outlook," produced by the Geneva Graduate Institute. Key findings of this pilot edition, and a discussion with some authors on issues and negotiations to watch in 2023 will be presented at the launch event on 31 January. This school, built on stilts to avoid incidents due to the rise in water levels, was pictured by Sohrab Hura near Tacloban, Philippines. It is part of UNEP's commission of ten of Magnum's Photographers to document the solutions implemented to curb the rise of global temperatures. This photographic corpus resulted in the exhibition "We have the power: we are the change."
Content type: Photo of the week
On 20 November 2020, the Young Activists Summit (#YAS20) will shine a spotlight on seven young activists who are advancing climate action, biodiversity, human rights, sustainable and ethical fashion issues.
Content type: Photo of the week
2023 will mark the Centenary of the Declaration of Geneva. Born from the consequences of the Great War, this text was adopted on 23 February 1923 and recognized for the first time the existence of specific rights for children. This anniversary is therefore significant for International Geneva. It is an opportunity to reaffirm the importance of the activities of organizations working for children and young people throughout the world. In this impetus, the Office of International Geneva is pleased to continue next year, through its website, promoting the activities of the organizations of International Geneva and those who shape it. Happy Holidays!
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How would you present your organization in a few words? What entails your position?
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On September 14, 2011, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) inaugurated its new logistics hub in Satigny, near Geneva International Airport. This new building is meant to support ICRC's activities worldwide and deliver medical equipment to populations in emergency situations.
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August 2013
What are you working on this summer?
I am mostly focusing on three issues. First, on the very direct responsibility that I have in a few essential areas. I'm thinking in particular about Syria - where we may still be able, if possible, to broaden our response - but also in Afghanistan, for instance.
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On 29 November 2015 at the Victoria Hall, Antoine Marguier will conduct the United Nations Orchestra and the invited cellist Camille Thomas. The concert will focus on Romantic music and composers Piotr Illitch Tchaïkovsky and Robert Schumann. Interview with this conductor who is also co-founder and art director at the United Nations Orchestra.