Your results containing the words: HQ's in geneva
Content type: Organization
Committee for Justice
Content type: Organization
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs Geneva Branch - UNODA
Internationale Organisationen, Programme, Fonds, Institute und andere
Content type: News
"More than 5,000 participants from 160 countries will meet in Geneva to thrash out major new investment-for-development initiatives at UNCTAD's World Investment Forum 2018 in the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland from 22–26 October."UNCTAD – 9October 2018
Content type: Page
Genf beherbergt 250 NGOs mit Konsultativstatus bei den Vereinten Nationen (ECOSOC-Status). Diese Nichtregierungsorganisationen sind in den Bereichen Gesundheit, Frieden, Handel, Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe tätig. Mit ihrem Engagement tragen sie dazu bei, dass Genf für die Global Governance eine zentrale Rolle spielt.
Content type: Photo of the week
Content type: Photo of the week
Content type: Organization
Plan international
Content type: Organization
Centre International de Déminage Humanitaire - GICHD
Internationale Organisationen, Programme, Fonds, Institute und andere
Content type: Photo of the week
In the framework of the series of discussions "Connect with the GENvironment, Friday conversations with an environmental expert," the Geneva Environment Network (GEN) invites you on 14 May to meet Alice Tipping, Lead, Fisheries Subsidies at the International Institute for Sustainable Development. Photographer Nanna Heitmann immortalized those fish caught by ice fishermen in 2019.
Content type: Photo of the week
On 10 – 11 May, Geneva will host the GIS for a Sustainable World Conference. Based on Geospatial technology in the form of Geographic Information Systems, this merging of data, people and methods aim to share knowledge and respond better to global challenges. In conjunction with the GIS conference, the WHO launches today, 9 May, the WHO GIS Centre for Health, to assist the health sector in its efforts "to respond to an outbreak, track vaccine delivery, collect samples, and explore spatial patterns in areas of case reporting." The image above was taken in the Botanical garden of Ooty in India by Martin Parr in 2018.
Content type: Organization
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Education, la Science et la Culture - UNESCO
Internationale Organisationen, Programme, Fonds, Institute und andere
Content type: Photo of the week
A Crisis in Peacekeeping? What Room for Peace Operations in the New Agenda for Peace? - A Geneva Security Debate organized by the GCSP that will explore, through a panel of experts, what peace operations could and should look like and entail in 2024? This event will take place online on 11 November. The image above shows a team of the United Nations Deployment Force patrolling the North Macedonia – Kosovo border in 1998, by Nikos Economopoulos.
Content type: Photo of the week
From 23 to 25 June, the Academic Council of the United Nations (ACUNS), in collaboration with the Graduate Institute and UN Geneva, will hold its annual meeting under the theme "Evidence-Based Solutions for Intensifying Global Challenges." The conference's purpose is to bring together scholars and practitioners active in the work of the UN to apprehend and address global challenges. Peter van Agtmael took this image at the UN's 2012 General Assembly in New York. Those buttons are for delegates to vote yes, no, or abstain.
Content type: News
"Join the Geneva Center for Security Policy and Atlantic Council's Cyber Statecraft Initiative in Geneva, Switzerland on April 5 and 6, 2018 for the annual Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge!"GCSP
Content type: Photo of the week
From 5 October 2019 to 1 March 2020, the Bodmer Foundation presents the War and Peace exhibition, organized in partnership with the UNOG and the ICRC. Trough the rare items from the patrimonies of the Bodmer Foundation and the partner institutions, the exhibition aims to inform visitors on the everlasting dialogue between man’s warlike nature and his deep desire for peace.
Content type: News
"UN Environment is establishing the network's secretariat in Geneva with support from Swiss public authorities at both the federal and cantonal levels, as well as from private sources in Geneva."FC4S – 13 April 2018
Content type: Photo of the week
On 9 March 2022, the Geneva State Council has decided to grant CHF 1 million in emergency humanitarian aid to support the activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Ukraine. The image above was taken in Shyrokyne, Ukraine, in 2018 when the ICRC distributes food parcels and hygiene items to IDPs.