Who's who

Global Cities Hub - Geneva (GCH)

Umwelt, nachhaltige Entwicklung
Engagement und humanitäres Völkerrecht, Menschenrechte, Migration
Arbeit, Wirtschaft, Handel, Wissenschaft, Telekommunikation
Frieden, Sicherheit & Abrüstung
Villa Rigot
Avenue de la Paix 9
1202 Genève
+41 (0) 22 910 45 05

"The Global Cities Hub (GCH) aims to facilitate relations between cities and city networks around the world and the various institutions in International Geneva, including the United Nations Office at Geneva, UN agencies, international organizations, NGOs, diplomatic missions, civil society, and academic institutions and actors. The GCH will link local authorities to International Geneva, and different urban actors to each other, via the networks of Geneva-based organizations."