Who's who


Organisations Internationales, Programmes, Fonds, Instituts et autres
Action et droit humanitaires, droits de l’homme, migration
Travail, économie, commerce, science et télécommunications
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Place des Nations
1211 Geneva 20
+41 22 730 51 11

In 2019, UNICEF and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) have joined forces to create Giga: a global initiative to connect every school to the Internet by 2030.

Connecting schools allows children to develop digital skills and access online learning content. Schools can also become anchor points for surrounding communities: if you can connect the school, you can also connect local businesses and services.  This creates opportunities for service providers to generate revenue from paying users, making connectivity more sustainable.

Giga combines UNICEF’s experience in education and procurement, ITU’s expertise in regulation and policy, and the private sector’s ability to apply tech solutions at pace. It is part of UNICEF’s Office of Innovation and ITU’s Telecommunication Development Bureau – two units with a track record of innovating to tackle global problems.