The Think Tank Hub together with On Think Tanks launched, last January, the first edition of the Winter School for Thinktankers. It is addressed to young and proactive individuals who are committed to developing their knowledge and understanding of think tanks and preparing themselves to become policy entrepreneurs.
Participants flew in from across the world to engage in this kick-off training, reflecting on the role think tanks play in policy making and strengthening democratic processes across the globe. Learning themes included the development of a research agenda, tools for communication, the importance of monitoring and evaluating and impact, financial management and funding, as well as the role of governance.
The organizers developed a practically-oriented learning format, with real life examples, where participants could easily interact with organizations and take home practical tools. The picture above shows Emilia Pasquier, Director of foraus, speaking about grassroots movements.
A core competency developed across the week revolved around choosing a team based on the fact that: "to be a successful think tank leader one cannot rely on being simply a great researcher and intellectual. Leaders must be excellent managers, political strategists, great communicators, and prolific networkers."