L'oeil de la Genève Internationale
November 2024

To mark the birth International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in 1864 and the Geneva Conventions of 1949, the Museum of art and history (MAH), in collaboration with the ICRC and the Geneva authorities, invites you to an exceptional evening on the theme of ‘Goya and the Geneva Conventions’. A selection of 29 plates by the artist Francisco de Goya from the series ‘Los desastres de la guerra’ (The Disasters of War) will be presented on 21 November, including the one published here, in French, English, and Spanish from 17.00 onwards, subject to registration

Francisco de Goya, Los desastres de la guerra, n° 26: No se puede mirar (The Disasters of War : One can not look), 1810-1820 (1863 print), Etching, burnished lavis, drypoint, burin
Plate : 143x208mm, print : 240x330 mm, Inv. E 77-0135-026
Collection Museum of art and history, Geneva 

More about what unites "Goya and Dunant," by Marie-Eve Celio, Head of prints and drawings at the MAH and curator of the exhibition

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