
No other city has a richer history of international cooperation than Geneva. Discover it here.


Historical Milestones

Discover the timeline of International Geneva history.

History through images

Discover history through images from the archives of the international organizations based in Geneva. 

Geneva Nobel prizes

No less than 20 Nobel prizes – most of them for Peace – have been awarded to personalities and organizations linked with it.

Speech by Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the African National Congress, on the occasion of his visit to the 77th International Labour Conference, 8 June 1990
They came to Geneva

Discover some of the personalities who have placed Geneva under the scoop since 1926.

The Geneva Conventions: 160 years of history

The historian of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Daniel Palmieri, retraces the historical context and key milestones of the Geneva Conventions from 1864 to 2005. 

Illustration of the Battle of Solferino, Italy, June 1859.  © ICRC Archives
Book: Geneva and the call of internationalism

How did Geneva acquire its international renown? With this book, Joëlle Kuntz takes a concise and irreverent look at a story that is familiar yet seldom told: the emergence of Geneva as an international city.

Book: International Geneva, 100 years of architecture

This book retraces the various stages leading to the construction of the buildings that make up the city's international quarter today.